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32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people. The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer’s Iliad in the early 18th century he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and French ━ and of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person’s linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations. And then his or her idea of the translation’s purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses every translation is a crowd translation.

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. Is reading really that simple? The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and not-reading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term’s flexible boundaries. Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends. The attempt moves toward an understanding of reading as a spectrum that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Weber’s law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1-mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. Therefore, the Just-noticeable difference (JND) varies as a function of the strength of the signals. For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much more quiet sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber’s law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the “commons” to support. Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits ofmthe common resource for everyone ━ the tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. What makes the “tragedy of commons” tragic is the crash dynamic ━ the destruction or degeneration of the common resource’s ability to regenerate itself.

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD. However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts. When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions and other contextual factors. Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. This ability to match what we see with general visual memory patterns serves as an effective mechanism for optimizing brain performance and saving energy. The brain, being naturally against unnecessary effort, constantly seeks to simplify and generalize information to facilitate the cognitive process.

*offset:상쇄하다 **retrieve:상기하다

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Where scientific research is concerned, explanatory tales are expected to adhere closely to experimental data and to illuminate the regular and predictable features of experience. However, this paradigm sometimes conceals the fact that theories are deeply loaded with creative elements that shape the construction of research projects and the interpretations of evidence. Scientific explanations do not just relate a chronology of facts. They construct frameworks for systematically chosen data in order to provide a consistent and meaningful explanation of what is observed. Such constructions lead us to imagine specific kinds of subject matter in particular sorts of relations, and the storylines they inspire will prove more effective for analyzing some features of experience over others. When we neglect the creative contributions of such scientific imagination and treat models and interpretive explanations as straightforward facts ━ even worse, as facts including all of reality ━ we can blind ourselves to the limitations of a given model and fail to note its potential for misunderstanding a situation to which it ill applies.

*adhere:충실하다 **illuminate:밝히다 ***chronology:연대기

38. 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. At best it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst passivity and acceptance of what is. But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War.


39. 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application begins in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. Hobbes thus describes the state of nature as a circumstance in which man’s life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”. It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power human beings in the state of nature are “antisocial and rational based on their selfishness”. Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes. It is, rather, mutual fear of men’s present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.


40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world. Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same red-orange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. The researchers found that red-associated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. This implies that the cognitive association of objects to color influences how we perceive that color.

In one study, participants chose (A)greater redness when asked to match the color of objects that are usually red to a background with the same color, which showed that their (B)knowledge about the colors of objects influenced their perceptual judgment.

[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. With each round of genome copying, errors accumulate. This is similar to alterations in medieval books. Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations.

Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. It is just like changing the i for a y in “kingdom” would not distort the word’s readability. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body’s cells multiplied to form skin. If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state. If the mutation occurred early on in the lineage of the developing iris, then all cells in that patch have inherited that change.

*chromosome:염색체 **iris:홍채


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2411 고2 EF001-1 어휘테스트[의미].pdf
2411 고2 EF001-2 어휘테스트[철자].pdf

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18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dear Executive Manager Schulz,

It is a week before the internship program starts. I am writing to bring your attention to a matter that requires immediate consideration regarding the issue my department has. As the coordinator, it is becoming apparent to me that the budget, previously approved by your department, needs some adjustments in order to meet the emerging modifications. Since my department has hired three more interns than planned initially, the most expensive need is for additional funding to cover their wages, training costs, and materials. I kindly request an additional budget allocation for these expenses. Please refer to the attachment for details. Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Matt Perry

19. 다음 글에 드러난 Katie의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

Katie approached the hotel front desk to check-in but an unexpected event unfolded. The receptionist couldn’t find her reservation under the name ‘Katie’. “I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to locate a reservation under that name,” the receptionist said. “No way, I definitely made a reservation on the phone,” Katie said, puzzled. The receptionist asked, “Can you tell me your phone number?” and Katie told it to him, thinking ‘What happened? Did I make a mistake?’ “Just a moment,” the receptionist said, typing deliberately on the keyboard. “I found it! It seems there was a small misspelling. Your reservation is under ‘K-A-T-Y’,” the receptionist explained. With a sense of ease, Katie watched her reservation appearing on the screen. With her heart slowing to a gentle rhythm, she proceeded with her check-in, thinking that a simple misspelling might have ruined her plans.

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring real-world problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking. Therefore, making decisions, even qualitatively, is not possible without using mathematics and critical thinking. Thus, teaching mathematics should be done in interaction with critical thinking along with a decision-making process. They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.

21. 밑줄 친 Popping a pill cannot make you a better person이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. You’d be pleased to receive the gift. You’d say ‘thank you’, and mean it. But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. When we praise someone’s character, we use words for various virtues: ‘generous’, ‘kind’, ‘courageous’, etc. A person who gives one gift isn’t generous. Instead, generosity is a stable part of a person’s ‘moral identity’, an emotional habit that is part of who you are. Thus virtues, as opposed to nontypical impulse, are the result of your personal history. They are part of who you are, as they are part of how your character was formed. Instant virtue is therefore impossible. Popping a pill cannot make you a better person.

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. How do I measure it? We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler’s Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, in order to “measure” the star mass, we measure other quantities and use those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties, but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.

*binary star:쌍성

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body’s effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. We’ve all heard the expression, “No pain, no gain.” Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there’s a genuine need. This cycle isn’t just confined to our digital companions. It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics, from the self-driving car to the smart fridge. Every product seems to be on an unstoppable march towards the next version, the next generation that promises to revolutionize your life. What’s fascinating, or perhaps disturbing, is the utter efficacy of this cycle in shaping our desires. It’s not so much that we want the newest device; we’re led to believe we need it. The distinction between want and need blurs, shifting our financial priorities in favor of staying current with trends. For all the logical arguments against this ceaseless upgrading, the temptation remains compelling.

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal’s preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine.


30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It’s for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.

*nomadic:유목성의 **brood:함께 태어난 새끼들

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students’ learning. Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity’s performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable. Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students’ creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means.


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32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

How much we suffer relates to how we frame the pain in our mind. When 1500m runners push themselves into extreme pain to win a race ━ their muscles screaming and their lungs exploding with oxygen deficit, they don’t psychologically suffer much. In fact, ultra­marathon runners ━ those people who are crazy enough to push themselves beyond the normal boundaries of human endurance, covering distances of 50-100km or more over many hours, talk about making friends with their pain. When a patient has paid for some form of passive back pain therapy and the practitioner pushes deeply into a painful part of a patient’s back to mobilise it, the patient calls that good pain if he or she believes this type of deep pressure treatment will be of value, even though the practitioner is pushing right into the patient’s sore tissues.

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

When I worked for a large electronics company that manufactured laser and ink-jet printers, I soon discovered why there are often three versions of many consumer goods. If the manufacturer makes only one version of its product, people who bought it might have been willing to spend more money, so the company is losing some income. If the company offers two versions, one with more features and more expensive than the other, people will compare the two models and still buy the less expensive one. But if the company introduces a third model with even more features and more expensive than the other two, sales of the second model go up; many people like the features of the most expensive model, but not the price. The middle item has more features than the least expensive one, and it is less expensive than the fanciest model. They buy the middle item, unaware that they have been manipulated by the presence of the higher-priced item.

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

On­screen, climate disaster is everywhere you look, but the scope of the world’s climate transformation may just as quickly eliminate the climate-fiction genre ━ indeed eliminate any effort to tell the story of warming, which could grow too large and too obvious even for Hollywood. You can tell stories ‘about’ climate change while it still seems a marginal feature of human life. But when the temperature rises by three or four more degrees, hardly anyone will be able to feel isolated from its impacts. And so as climate change expands across the horizon, it may cease to be a story. Why watch or read climate fiction about the world you can see plainly out your own window? At the moment, stories illustrating global warming can still offer an escapist pleasure, even if that pleasure often comes in the form of horror. But when we can no longer pretend that climate suffering is distant ━ in time or in place ━ we will stop pretending about it and start pretending within it.

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Today, the water crisis is political ━ which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ━ and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren’t doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.


36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate. If it didn’t, we might get none of these merits. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing. The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. We process that information in the form of self­esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn’t. And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.


37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.

*neurotransmitter:신경 전달 물질 **manifest:(명백히) 나타내다

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

The common accounts of human nature that float around in society are generally a mixture of assumptions, tales and sometimes plain silliness. However, psychology is different. It is the branch of science that is devoted to understanding people: how and why we act as we do; why we see things as we do; and how we interact with one another. The key word here is ‘science.’ Psychologists don’t depend on opinions and hearsay, or the generally accepted views of society at the time, or even the considered opinions of deep thinkers. Instead, they look for evidence, to make sure that psychological ideas are firmly based, and not just derived from generally held beliefs or assumptions. In addition to this evidence­based approach, psychology deals with fundamental processes and principles that generate our rich cultural and social diversity, as well as those shared by all human beings. These are what modern psychology is all about.

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Life is what physicists might call a ‘high-dimensional system,’ which is their fancy way of saying that there’s a lot going on. In just a single cell, the number of possible interactions between different molecules is enormous. Such a system can only hope to be stable if only a smaller number of collective ways of being may emerge. For example, it is only a limited number of tissues and body shapes that may result from the development of a human embryo. In 1942, the biologist Conrad Waddington called this drastic narrowing of outcomes canalization. The organism may switch between a small number of well­defined possible states, but can’t exist in random states in between them, rather as a ball in a rough landscape must roll to the bottom of one valley or another. We’ll see that this is true also of health and disease: there are many causes of illness, but their manifestations at the physiological and symptomatic levels are often strikingly similar.

*embryo:배아 **physiological:생리적인

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Punishing a child may not be effective due to what Álvaro Bilbao, a neuropsychologist, calls ‘trick­punishments.’ A trick-punishment is a scolding, a moment of anger or a punishment in the most classic sense of the word. Instead of discouraging the child from doing something, it encourages them to do it. For example, Hugh learns that when he hits his little brother, his mother scolds him. For a child who feels lonely, being scolded is much better than feeling invisible, so he will continue to hit his brother. In this case, his mother would be better adopting a different strategy. For instance, she could congratulate Hugh when he has not hit his brother for a certain length of time. The mother clearly cannot allow the child to hit his little brother, but instead of constantly pointing out the negatives, she can choose to reward the positives. In this way, any parent can avoid trick-punishments.

A trick-punishment (A)reinforces the unwanted behavior of a child, which implies that parents should focus on (B)reducing the attention to negatives while rewarding positive behaviors.

[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

From an early age, we assign purpose to objects and events, preferring this reasoning to random chance. Children assume, for instance, that pointy rocks are that way because they don’t want you to sit on them. When we encounter something, we first need to determine what sort of thing it is. Inanimate objects and plants generally do not move and can be evaluated from physics alone. However, by attributing intention to animals and even objects, we are able to make fast decisions about the likely behaviour of that being. This was essential in our hunter-gatherer days to avoid being eaten by predators.

The anthropologist Stewart Guthrie made the point that survival in our evolutionary past meant that we interpret ambiguous objects as agents with human mental characteristics, as those are the mental processes which we understand. Ambiguous events are caused by such agents. This results in a perceptual system strongly biased towards anthropomorphism. Therefore, we tend to assume intention even where there is none. This would have arisen as a survival mechanism. If a lion is about to attack you, you need to react quickly, given its probable intention to kill you. By the time you have realized that the design of its teeth and claws could kill you, you are dead. So, assuming intent, without detailed design analysis or understanding of the physics, has saved your life.

*ambiguous:모호한 **anthropomorphism:의인화



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18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

To the State Education Department,

I am writing with regard to the state’s funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School. Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way. Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department. A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school’s budgetary constraints and schedule. Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfully, Clara Smith

Principal, Fort Montgomery High School

19. 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

As I waited outside the locker room after a hard-fought basketball game, the coach called out to me, “David, walk with me.” I figured he was going to tell me something important. He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be. My heart was racing with anticipation. But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed. “We’re going to have to send you home,” he said coldly. “I don’t think you are going to make it.” I couldn’t believe his decision. I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart. A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home. And just like that, it was over.

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there’s no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That’s where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let’s be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it’s washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push­ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.

21. 밑줄 친 Seeing is not believing.이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It’s a more efficient way to store information ━ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.

*retrieve:상기하다 **primacy:우위성

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It’s when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like “his face just popped out at me,” that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents’ recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of ‘sad’ could vary widely. But asking “How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?” prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, “How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?” Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.

*procrastinator:미루는 사람

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI’s evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor “time is a beggar,” the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare’s prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user’s meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ━ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains.

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ━ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever’s hiding there.

*flounder:넙치 **mimic:모방하다



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33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Over the last few centuries, humanity's collective prosperity has skyrocketed, as technological progress has made us far wealthier than ever before. To share out those riches, almost all societies have settled upon the market mechanism, rewarding people in various ways for the work that they do and the things that they own. But rising inequality, itself often driven by technology, has started to put that mechanism under strain. Today, markets already provide immense rewards to some people but leave many others with very little. And now, technological unemployment threatens to become a more radical version of the same story, taking place in the particular market we rely upon the most: the labor market. As that market begins to break down, more and more people will be in danger of not receiving a share of society's prosperity at all.

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

It's often said that those who can't do, teach. It would be more accurate to say that those who can do, can't teach the basics. A great deal of expert knowledge is implicit, not explicit. The further you progress toward mastery, the less conscious awareness you often have of the fundamentals. Experiments show that skilled golfers and wine aficionados have a hard time describing their putting and tasting techniques ━ even asking them to explain their approaches is enough to interfere with their performance, so they often stay on autopilot. When I first saw an elite diver do four and a half somersaults, I asked how he managed to spin so fast. His answer: “Just go up in a ball.” Experts often have an intuitive understanding of a route, but they struggle to clearly express all the steps to take. Their brain dump is partially filled with garbage.

*aficionado: 애호가 **somersault: 공중제비

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Minimal processing can be one of the best ways to keep original flavors and taste, without any need to add artificial flavoring or additives, or too much salt. This would also be the efficient way to keep most nutrients, especially the most sensitive ones such as many vitamins and anti-oxidants. Milling of cereals is one of the most harsh processes which dramatically affect nutrient content. While grains are naturally very rich in micronutrients, anti-oxidants and fiber (i.e. in wholemeal flour or flakes), milling usually removes the vast majority of minerals, vitamins and fibers to raise white flour. Such a spoilage of key nutrients and fiber is no longer acceptable in the context of a sustainable diet aiming at an optimal nutrient density and health protection. In contrast, fermentation of various foodstuffs or germination of grains are traditional, locally accessible, low-energy and highly nutritious processes of sounded interest.

*fermentation: 발효 **germination: 발아

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

It would seem obvious that the more competent someone is, the more we will like that person. By “competence,” I mean a cluster of qualities: smartness, the ability to get things done, wise decisions, etc. We stand a better chance of doing well at our life tasks if we surround ourselves with people who know what they're doing and have a lot to teach us. But the research evidence is paradoxical: In problem-solving groups, the participants who are considered the most competent and have the best ideas tend not to be the ones who are best liked. Why? One possibility is that, although we like to be around competent people, those who are too competent make us uncomfortable. They may seem unapproachable, distant, superhuman ━ and make us look bad (and feel worse) by comparison. If this were true, we might like people more if they reveal some evidence of fallibility. For example, if your friend is a brilliant mathematician, superb athlete, and gourmet cook, you might like him or her better if, every once in a while, they screwed up.

*fallibility: 실수를 저지르기 쉬움

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

A computational algorithm that takes input data and generates some output from it doesn't really embody any notion of meaning. Certainly, such a computation does not generally have as its purpose its own survival and well-being. It does not, in general, assign value to the inputs. Compare, for example, a computer algorithm with the waggle dance of the honeybee, by which means a foraging bee conveys to others in the hive information about the source of food (such as nectar) it has located. The “dance” ━ a series of stylized movements on the comb ━ shows the bees how far away the food is and in which direction. But this input does not simply program other bees to go out and look for it. Rather, they evaluate this information, comparing it with their own knowledge of the surroundings. Some bees might not bother to make the journey, considering it not worthwhile. The input, such as it is, is processed in the light of the organism's own internal states and history; there is nothing prescriptive about its effects.

*forage: 먹이를 찾아다니다 **comb: 벌집

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

There are deep similarities between viral contagion and behavioral contagion. For example, people in close or extended proximity to others infected by a virus are themselves more likely to become infected, just as people are more likely to drink excessively when they spend more time in the company of heavy drinkers. But there are also important differences between the two types of contagion. One is that visibility promotes behavioral contagion but inhibits the spread of infectious diseases. Solar panels that are visible from the street, for instance, are more likely to stimulate neighboring installations. In contrast, we try to avoid others who are visibly ill. Another important difference is that whereas viral contagion is almost always a bad thing, behavioral contagion is sometimes negative ━ as in the case of smoking ━ but sometimes positive, as in the case of solar installations.

*contagion: 전염

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Sleep is clearly about more than just resting. One curious fact is that animals that are hibernating also have periods of sleep. It comes as a surprise to most of us, but hibernation and sleep are not the same thing at all, at least not from a neurological and metabolic perspective. Hibernating is more like being anesthetized: the subject is unconscious but not actually asleep. So a hibernating animal needs to get a few hours of conventional sleep each day within the larger unconsciousness. A further surprise to most of us is that bears, the most famous of wintry sleepers, don't actually hibernate. Real hibernation involves profound unconsciousness and a dramatic fall in body temperature ━ often to around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. By this definition, bears don't hibernate, because their body temperature stays near normal and they are easily awakened. Their winter sleeps are more accurately called a state of torpor.

*hibernation: 동면 **anesthetize: 마취시키다 ***torpor: 휴면

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The concern about how we appear to others can be seen in children, though work by the psychologist Ervin Staub suggests that the effect may vary with age. In a study where children heard another child in distress, young children (kindergarten through second grade) were more likely to help the child in distress when with another child than when alone. But for older children ━ in fourth and sixth grade ━ the effect reversed: they were less likely to help a child in distress when they were with a peer than when they were alone. Staub suggested that younger children might feel more comfortable acting when they have the company of a peer, whereas older children might feel more concern about being judged by their peers and fear feeling embarrassed by overreacting. Staub noted that “older children seemed to discuss the distress sounds less and to react to them less openly than younger children.” In other words, the older children were deliberately putting on a poker face in front of their peers.

The study suggests that, contrary to younger children, older children are less likely to help those in distress in the (A)presence of others because they care more about how they are (B)evaluated.

[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

What makes questioning authority so hard? The difficulties start in childhood, when parents ━ the first and most powerful authority figures ━ show children “the way things are.” This is a necessary element of learning language and socialization, and certainly most things learned in early childhood are noncontroversial: the English alphabet starts with A and ends with Z, the numbers 1 through 10 come before the numbers 11 through 20, and so on. Children, however, will spontaneously question things that are quite obvious to adults and even to older kids. The word “why?” becomes a challenge, as in, “Why is the sky blue?” Answers such as “because it just is” or “because I say so” tell children that they must unquestioningly accept what authorities say “just because,” and children who persist in their questioning are likely to find themselves dismissed or yelled at for “bothering” adults with “meaningless” or “unimportant” questions. But these questions are in fact perfectly reasonable. Why is the sky blue? Many adults do not themselves know the answer. And who says the sky's color needs to be called “blue,” anyway? How do we know that what one person calls “blue” is the same color that another calls “blue”? The scientific answers come from physics, but those are not the answers that children are seeking. They are trying to understand the world, and no matter how irritating the repeated questions may become to stressed and time-pressed parents, it is important to take them seriously to encourage kids to question authority to think for themselves.


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-- 소제목 및 기호 수정 24. 9. 23. 16:50

-- 어휘 수정 24. 9. 27. 12:23

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33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, “It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat.” This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

While social media attention is potentially an instrument to achieve ends like elite celebrity, some content creators desire ordinary fame as a social end in itself. Not unlike reality television stars, social media celebrities are often criticized for not having skills and talents associated with traditional, elite celebrity, such as acting or singing ability. This criticism highlights the fact that digital content creators face real barriers to crossing over to the sphere of elite celebrity. However, the criticism also misses the point that the phenomenon of ordinary celebrity reconstructs the meaning of fame. The elite celebrity is symbolized by the metaphor of the star, characterized by mystery and hierarchical distance and associated with naturalized qualities of talent and class. The ordinary celebrity attracts attention through regular and frequent interactions with other ordinary people. Achieving ordinary fame as a social media celebrity is like doing well at a game, because in this sphere, fame is nothing more nor less than relatively high scores on attention scales, the metrics of subscribers, followers, Likes, or clicks built into social media applications.

*sphere: 영역 **metric: 측정 기준

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to differentiate between the various sections of our memory. Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes, information is fully present in our mind. It sits in our conscious working memory, in an active form. We feel as if we know it, because it is present in our short-term storage space ... but this short-term section has nothing to do with the long-term memory that we will need in order to recall the same information a few days later. After a few seconds or minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. To get information into long-term memory, it is essential to study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all your time studying.

*cram: 벼락 공부를 하다

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation. As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect. You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce. Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.

*babble: 옹알이하다

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, “Is that really what my voice sounds like?” Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.

*vocal cords: 성대 **frequency: 주파수

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all marine animals breathe to stay alive. It has long been established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water does ━ this is one reason that cold polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine waters, it is self-evident that the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease. This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if allowed to continue to an ecosystem-threatening level. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more than a half century. The data show that the ocean oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the corresponding rise in water temperature. Falling oxygen levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms.

*dissolved: 용해된 **anoxic: 산소 결핍의

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Capuchins ━ New World Monkeys that live in large social groups ━ will, in captivity, trade with people all day long, especially if food is involved. I give you this rock and you give me a treat to eat. If you put two monkeys in cages next to each other, and offer them both slices of cucumber for the rocks they already have, they will happily eat the cucumbers. If, however, you give one monkey grapes instead ━ grapes being universally preferred to cucumbers ━ the monkey that is still receiving cucumbers will begin to throw them back at the experimenter. Even though she is still getting “paid” the same amount for her effort of sourcing rocks, and so her particular situation has not changed, the comparison to another makes the situation unfair. Furthermore, she is now willing to abandon all gains ━ the cucumbers themselves ━ to communicate her displeasure to the experimenter.

According to the passage, if the Capuchin monkey realizes the (A)inequality in rewards compared to another monkey, she will (B)reject her rewards to express her feelings about the treatment, despite getting exactly the same rewards as before.

[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Higher education has grown from an elite to a mass system across the world. In Europe and the USA, increased rates of participation occurred in the decades after the Second World War. Between 2000 and 2014, rates of participation in higher education almost doubled from 19% to 34% across the world among the members of the population in the school-leaving age category (typically 18-23). The dramatic expansion of higher education has been marked by a wider range of institutions of higher learning and a more diverse demographic of students.

Changes from an elite system to a mass higher education system are associated with political needs to build a specialised workforce for the economy. In theory, the expansion of higher education to develop a highly skilled workforce should diminish the role of examinations in the selection and control of students, initiating approaches to assessment which enable lifelong learning: assessment for learning and a focus on feedback for development. In reality, socio-political changes to expand higher education have set up a ‘field of contradictions’ for assessment in higher education. Mass higher education requires efficient approaches to assessment, such as examinations and multiple-choice quizzes, with minimalist, impersonal, or standardised feedback, often causing students to focus more on grades than feedback. In contrast, the relatively small numbers of students in elite systems in the past allowed for closer relationships between students and their teachers, with formative feedback shaping the minds, academic skills, and even the characters of students.

*demographic: 인구집단


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24. 9. 27. 15:46 - 26번 어휘 수정 

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18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

To whom it may concern,

My name is Peter Jackson and I am thinking of applying for the Advanced Licensed Counselor Program that the university provides. I found that the certification for 100 hours of counseling experience is required for the application. However, I do not think I could possibly complete the required counseling experience by the current deadline. So, if possible, I kindly request an extension of the deadline until the end of this summer vacation. I am actively working on obtaining the certification, and I am sure I will be able to submit it by then. I understand the importance of following the application process, and would greatly appreciate your consideration of this request. I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, Peter Jackson

19, 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

The passport control line was short and the inspectors looked relaxed; except the inspector at my window. He seemed to want to model the seriousness of the task at hand for the other inspectors. Maybe that's why I felt uneasy when he studied my passport more carefully than I expected. “You were here in September,” he said. “Why are you back so soon?” “I came in September to prepare to return this month,” I replied with a trembling voice, considering if I missed any Italian regulations. “For how long?” he asked. “One month, this time,” I answered truthfully. I knew it was not against the rules to stay in Italy for three months. “Enjoy your stay,” he finally said, as he stamped my passport. Whew! As I walked away, the burden I had carried, even though I did nothing wrong, vanished into the air. My shoulders, once weighed down, now stretched out with comfort.

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Merely convincing your children that worry is senseless and that they would be more content if they didn't worry isn't going to stop them from worrying. For some reason, young people seem to believe that worry is a fact of life over which they have little or no control. Consequently, they don't even try to stop. Therefore, you need to convince them that worry, like guilt and fear, is nothing more than an emotion, and like all emotions, is subject to the power of the will. Tell them that they can eliminate worry from their lives by simply refusing to attend to it. Explain to them that if they refuse to act worried regardless of how they feel, they will eventually stop feeling worried and will begin to experience the contentment that accompanies a worry-free life.

21. 밑줄 친 Build a jazz band가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

In today's information age, in many companies and on many teams, the objective is no longer error prevention and replicability. On the contrary, it's creativity, speed, and keenness. In the industrial era, the goal was to minimize variation. But in creative companies today, maximizing variation is more essential. In these situations, the biggest risk isn't making a mistake or losing consistency; it's failing to attract top talent, to invent new products, or to change direction quickly when the environment shifts. Consistency and repeatability are more likely to suppress fresh thinking than to bring your company profit. A lot of little mistakes, while sometimes painful, help the organization learn quickly and are a critical part of the innovation cycle. In these situations, rules and process are no longer the best answer. A symphony isn't what you're going for. Leave the conductor and the sheet music behind. Build a jazz band instead.

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Any new or threatening situation may require us to make decisions and this requires information. So important is communication during a disaster that normal social barriers are often lowered. We will talk to strangers in a way we would never consider normally. Even relatively low grade disruption of our life such as a fire drill or a very late train seems to give us the permission to break normal etiquette and talk to strangers. The more important an event to a particular public, the more detailed and urgent the requirement for news becomes. Without an authoritative source of facts, whether that is a newspaper or trusted broadcast station, rumours often run riot. Rumours start because people believe their group to be in danger and so, although the rumour is unproven, feel they should pass it on. For example, if a worker heard that their employer's business was doing badly and people were going to be made redundant, they would pass that information on to colleagues.

*redundant: (일시) 해고된

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

People seem to recognize that the arts are cultural activities that draw on (or react against) certain cultural traditions, certain shared understanding, and certain values and ideas that are characteristic of the time and place in which the art is created. In the case of science, however, opinions differ. Some scientists, like the great biologist J. B. S. Haldane, see science in a similar light ━ as a historical activity that occurs in a particular time and place, and that needs to be understood within that context. Others, however, see science as a purely “objective” pursuit, uninfluenced by the cultural viewpoint and values of those who create it. In describing this view of science, philosopher Hugh Lacey speaks of the belief that there is an underlying order of the world which is simply there to be discovered ━ the world of pure “fact” stripped of any link with value. The aim of science according to this view is to represent this world of pure “fact”, independently of any relationship it might bear contingently to human practices and experiences.

*contingently: 혹여라도

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Mental development consists of individuals increasingly mastering social codes and signals themselves, which they can master only in social situations with the support of more competent individuals, typically adults. In this sense, mental development consists of internalizing social patterns and gradually becoming a responsible actor among other responsible actors. In Denmark, the age of criminal responsibility is 15 years, which means that we then say that people have developed sufficient mental maturity to be accountable for their actions at this point. And at the age of 18 people are given the right to vote and are thereby formally included in the basic democratic process. I do not know whether these age boundaries are optimal, but it is clear that mental development takes place at different rates for different individuals, and depends especially on the social and family environment they have been given. Therefore, having formal limits for responsibility from a specific age that apply to everyone is a somewhat questionable practice. But the question, of course, is whether it can be done any differently.

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

One well-known shift took place when the accepted view ━ that the Earth was the center of the universe ━ changed to one where we understood that we are only inhabitants on one planet orbiting the Sun. With each person who grasped the solar system view, it became easier for the next person to do so. So it is with the notion that the world revolves around the human economy. This is slowly being replaced by the view that the economy is a part of the larger system of material flows that connect all living things. When this perspective shifts into place, it will be obvious that our economic well-being requires that we account for, and respond to, factors of ecological health. Unfortunately we do not have a century or two to make the change. By clarifying the nature of the old and new perspectives, and by identifying actions on which we might cooperate to move the process along, we can help accelerate the shift.

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

The first human beings probably evolved in tropical regions where survival was possible without clothing. It is likely that they had very dark skin because light skin would have given little protection against the burning rays of the sun. There is a debate about whether these people spread into other parts of the world or, instead, whether people developed independently in various parts of the world. Whichever the case, it is believed that in time they became capable of spreading out from Africa, eventually to most of the world. This was probably because their physical characteristics changed. For instance, early hominids probably did not walk upright, but when they developed that ability, they could travel more efficiently. More important, perhaps, was their development of tool making. With tools, they could hunt other animals, so they could consume more protein and fat than their low-energy vegetarian diet would have provided. Not only their bodies but also their brains would have been changed with more energy. The brain needs lots of energy to grow. As their diet expanded, hominids could physically and intellectually expand their territory.

*hominid: 인류

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

When we get an unfavorable outcome, in some ways the last thing we want to hear is that the process was fair. As outraging as the combination of an unfavorable outcome and an unfair process is, this combination also brings with it a consolation prize: the possibility of attributing the bad outcome to something other than ourselves. We may reassure ourselves by believing that our bad outcome had little to do with us and everything to do with the unfair process. If the process is fair, however, we cannot nearly as easily externalize the outcome; we got what we got “fair and square.” When the process is fair we believe that our outcome is deserved, which is another way of saying that there must have been something about ourselves (what we did or who we are) that caused the outcome.

*consolation: 위로

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The well­known American ethnologist Alfred Louis Kroeber made a rich and in-depth study of women's evening dress in the West, stretching back about three centuries and using reproductions of engravings. Having adjusted the dimensions of these plates due to their diverse origins, he was able to analyse the constant elements in fashion features and to come up with a study that was neither intuitive nor approximate, but precise, mathematical and statistical. He reduced women's clothing to a certain number of features: length and size of the skirt, size and depth of the neckline, height of the waistline. He demonstrated unambiguously that fashion is a profoundly regular phenomenon which is not located at the level of annual variations but on the scale of history. For practically 300 years, women's dress was subject to a very precise periodic cycle: forms reach the furthest point in their variations every fifty years. If, at any one moment, skirts are at their longest, fifty years later they will be at their shortest; thus skirts become long again fifty years after being short and a hundred years after being long.

*engraving: 판화 **dimension: 크기


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2409 고1 EF001-2 어휘테스트[철자].pdf

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2409 고1 EF001-2 어휘테스트[철자]s.pdf


-- 소제목 및 기호 수정 24. 9. 23. 16:50

-- 어휘 수정 24. 9. 27. 12:23

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18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent change made by Pittsburgh Train Station. The station had traditional ticket offices with staff before, but these have been replaced with ticket vending machines. However, individuals who are unfamiliar with these machines are now experiencing difficulty accessing the railway services. Since these individuals heavily relied on the staff assistance to be able to travel, they are in great need of ticket offices with staff in the station. Therefore, I am urging you to consider reopening the ticket offices. With the staff back in their positions, many people would regain access to the railway services. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and a positive resolution.

Sincerely, Sarah Roberts

19. 다음 글에 드러난 Jeevan의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

All the actors on the stage were focused on their acting. Then, suddenly, Arthur fell into the corner of the stage. Jeevan immediately approached Arthur and found his heart wasn't beating. Jeevan began CPR. Jeevan worked silently, glancing sometimes at Arthur's face. He thought, “Please, start breathing again, please.” Arthur's eyes were closed. Moments later, an older man in a grey suit appeared, swiftly kneeling beside Arthur's chest. “I'm Walter Jacobi. I'm a doctor.” He announced with a calm voice. Jeevan wiped the sweat off his forehead. With combined efforts, Jeevan and Dr. Jacobi successfully revived Arthur. Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Finally, Jeevan was able to hear Arthur's breath again, thinking to himself, “Thank goodness. You're back.”

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a drop-out, or worse.

21. 밑줄 친 “hanging out with the winners”가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, “I can't,” is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called “hanging out with the winners.” The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one's own latent positive thought forms.

*latent: 잠재적인

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of “program” that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

By improving accessibility of the workplace for workers that are typically at a disadvantage in the labour market, AI can improve inclusiveness in the workplace. AI-powered assistive devices to aid workers with visual, speech or hearing difficulties are becoming more widespread, improving the access to, and the quality of work for people with disabilities. For example, speech recognition solutions for people with dysarthric voices, or live captioning systems for deaf and hard of hearing people can facilitate communication with colleagues and access to jobs where inter-personal communication is necessary. AI can also enhance the capabilities of low-skilled workers, with potentially positive effects on their wages and career prospects. For example, AI's capacity to translate written and spoken word in real-time can improve the performance of non­native speakers in the workplace. Moreover, recent developments in AI-powered text generators can instantly improve the performance of lower-skilled individuals in domains such as writing, coding or customer service.

*dysarthric: (신경 장애로 인한) 구음(構音) 장애의

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Whales are highly efficient at carbon storage. When they die, each whale sequesters an average of 30 tons of carbon dioxide, taking that carbon out of the atmosphere for centuries. For comparison, the average tree absorbs only 48 pounds of CO2 a year. From a climate perspective, each whale is the marine equivalent of thousands of trees. Whales also help sequester carbon by fertilizing the ocean as they release nutrient-rich waste, in turn increasing phytoplankton populations, which also sequester carbon ━ leading some scientists to call them the “engineers of marine ecosystems.” In 2019, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the value of the ecosystem services provided by each whale at over $2 million USD. They called for a new global program of economic incentives to return whale populations to preindustrial whaling levels as one example of a “nature-based solution” to climate change. Calls are now being made for a global whale restoration program, to slow down climate change.

*sequester: 격리하다 **phytoplankton: 식물성 플랑크톤

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

From an organizational viewpoint, one of the most fascinating examples of how any organization may contain many different types of culture is to recognize the functional operations of different departments within the organization. The varying departments and divisions within an organization will inevitably view any given situation from their own biased and prejudiced perspective. A department and its members will acquire “tunnel vision” which disallows them to see things as others see them. The very structure of organizations can create conflict. The choice of whether the structure is “mechanistic” or “organic” can have a profound influence on conflict management. A mechanistic structure has a vertical hierarchy with many rules, many procedures, and many levels of management involved in decision making. Organic structures are more horizontal in nature, where decision making is less centralized and spread across the plane of the organization.

*hierarchy: 위계

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. Some cities reserve an extensive network of lanes and streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles become more popular in a city, planners can convert more automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target of animus, but they are actually an essential component to making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far more efficient transporter of goods than several hybrids carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other goods to neighborhood vendors allows them to operate smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, rather than drive, to get their groceries.

*animus: 반감, 미움

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

You hear again and again that some of the greatest composers were misunderstood in their own day. Not everyone could understand the compositions of Beethoven, Brahms, or Stravinsky in their day. The reason for this initial lack of acceptance is unfamiliarity. The musical forms, or ideas expressed within them, were completely new. And yet, this is exactly one of the things that makes them so great. Effective composers have their own ideas. Have you ever seen the classic movie Amadeus? The composer Antonio Salieri is the “host” of this movie; he's depicted as one of the most famous non-great composers ━ he lived at the time of Mozart and was completely overshadowed by him. Now, Salieri wasn't a bad composer; in fact, he was a very good one. But he wasn't one of the world's great composers because his work wasn't original. What he wrote sounded just like what everyone else was composing at the time.

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Every time a new medium comes along ━ whether it's the invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS ━ and you start to use it, it's like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to watch television, before you absorb the message of any particular TV show ━ whether it's Wheel of Fortune or The Wire ━ you start to see the world as being shaped like television itself. That's why Marshall McLuhan said that every time a new medium comes along ━ a new way for humans to communicate ━ it has buried in it a message. It is gently guiding us to see the world according to a new set of codes. The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the world is fast; that it's about surfaces and appearances.

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be careful with them because concepts open the door to essentialism. They encourage us to see things that aren't present. Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old proverb, “It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when there is no cat.” This statement beautifully sums up the search for essences. History has many examples of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so that light would have a medium to move through. The ether was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking for evidence of a cat that did not exist.


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30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Over the past several decades, there have been some agreements to reduce the debt of poor nations, but other economic challenges (like trade barriers) remain. Nontariff trade measures, such as quotas, subsidies, and restrictions on exports, are increasingly prevalent and may be enacted for policy reasons having nothing to do with trade. However, they have a discriminatory effect on exports from countries that lack the resources to comply with requirements of nontariff measures imposed by rich nations. For example, the huge subsidies that wealthy nations give to their farmers make it very difficult for farmers in the rest of the world to compete with them. Another example would be domestic health or safety regulations, which, though not specifically targeting imports, could impose significant costs on foreign manufacturers seeking to conform to the importer's market. Industries in developing markets may have more difficulty absorbing these additional costs.

* nontariff: 비관세의 ** subsidy: 보조금

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In the course of his research on business strategy and the environment, Michael Porter noticed a peculiar pattern: Businesses seemed to be profiting from regulation. He also discovered that the stricter regulations were prompting more innovation than the weaker ones. The Dutch flower industry provides an illustration. For many years, the companies producing Holland's world-renowned tulips and other cut flowers were also contaminating the country's water and soil with fertilizers and pesticides. In 1991, the Dutch government adopted a policy designed to cut pesticide use in half by 2000―a goal they ultimately achieved. Facing increasingly strict regulation, greenhouse growers realized they had to develop new methods if they were going to maintain product quality with fewer pesticides. In response, they shifted to a cultivation method that circulates water in closed-loop systems and grows flowers in a rock wool substrate. The new system not only reduced the pollution released into the environment; it also increased profits by giving companies greater control over growing conditions.

*substrate: 배양판

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

It's hard to pay more for the speedy but highly skilled person, simply because there's less effort being observed. Two researchers once did a study in which they asked people how much they would pay for data recovery. They found that people would pay a little more for a greater quantity of rescued data, but what they were most sensitive to was the number of hours the technician worked. When the data recovery took only a few minutes, willingness to pay was low, but when it took more than a week to recover the same amount of data, people were willing to pay much more. Think about it: They were willing to pay more for the slower service with the same outcome. Fundamentally, when we value effort over outcome, we're paying for incompetence. Although it is actually irrational, we feel more rational, and more comfortable, paying for incompetence.

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In adolescence many of us had the experience of falling under the sway of a great book or writer. We became entranced by the novel ideas in the book, and because we were so open to influence, these early encounters with exciting ideas sank deeply into our minds and became part of our own thought processes, affecting us decades after we absorbed them. Such influences enriched our mental landscape, and in fact our intelligence depends on the ability to absorb the lessons and ideas of those who are older and wiser. Just as the body tightens with age, however, so does the mind. And just as our sense of weakness and vulnerability motivated the desire to learn, so does our creeping sense of superiority slowly close us off to new ideas and influences. Some may advocate that we all become more skeptical in the modern world, but in fact a far greater danger comes from the increasing closing of the mind that burdens us as individuals as we get older, and seems to be burdening our culture in general.

*entrance: 매료시키다

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Many people look for safety and security in popular thinking. They figure that if a lot of people are doing something, then it must be right. It must be a good idea. If most people accept it, then it probably represents fairness, equality, compassion, and sensitivity, right? Not necessarily. Popular thinking said the earth was the center of the universe, yet Copernicus studied the stars and planets and proved mathematically that the earth and the other planets in our solar system revolved around the sun. Popular thinking said surgery didn't require clean instruments, yet Joseph Lister studied the high death rates in hospitals and introduced antiseptic practices that immediately saved lives. Popular thinking said that women shouldn't have the right to vote, yet people like Emmeline Pankhurst and Susan B. Anthony fought for and won that right. We must always remember there is a huge difference between acceptance and intelligence. People may say that there's safety in numbers, but that's not always true.

*antiseptic: 멸균의

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Before getting licensed to drive a cab in London, a person has to pass an incredibly difficult test with an intimidating name―“The Knowledge.” The test involves memorizing the layout of more than 20,000 streets in the Greater London area―a feat that involves an incredible amount of memory resources. In fact, fewer than 50 percent of the people who sign up for taxi driver training pass the test, even after spending two or three years studying for it! And as it turns out, the brains of London cabbies are different from non-cab-driving humans in ways that reflect their herculean memory efforts. In fact, the part of the brain that has been most frequently associated with spatial memory, the tail of the sea horse-shaped brain region called the hippocampus, is bigger than average in these taxi drivers.

*herculean: 초인적인 **hippocampus: 해마


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30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Advertisers often displayed considerable facility in adapting their claims to the market status of the goods they promoted. Fleischmann's yeast, for instance, was used as an ingredient for cooking homemade bread. Yet more and more people in the early 20th century were buying their bread from stores or bakeries, so consumer demand for yeast declined. The producer of Fleischmann's yeast hired the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency to come up with a different marketing strategy to boost sales. No longer the “Soul of Bread,” the Thompson agency first turned yeast into an important source of vitamins with significant health benefits. Shortly thereafter, the advertising agency transformed yeast into a natural laxative. Repositioning yeast helped increase sales.

*laxative: 완하제(배변을 쉽게 하는 약·음식·음료)

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Individuals who perform at a high level in their profession often have instant credibility with others. People admire them, they want to be like them, and they feel connected to them. When they speak, others listen―even if the area of their skill has nothing to do with the advice they give. Think about a world-famous basketball player. He has made more money from endorsements than he ever did playing basketball. Is it because of his knowledge of the products he endorses? No. It's because of what he can do with a basketball. The same can be said of an Olympic medalist swimmer. People listen to him because of what he can do in the pool. And when an actor tells us we should drive a certain car, we don't listen because of his expertise on engines. We listen because we admire his talent. Excellence connects. If you possess a high level of ability in an area, others may desire to connect with you because of it.

*endorsement: (유명인의 텔레비전 등에서의 상품) 보증 선전

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Think of the brain as a city. If you were to look out over a city and ask “where is the economy located?” you'd see there's no good answer to the question. Instead, the economy emerges from the interaction of all the elements―from the stores and the banks to the merchants and the customers. And so it is with the brain's operation: it doesn't happen in one spot. Just as in a city, no neighborhood of the brain operates in isolation. In brains and in cities, everything emerges from the interaction between residents, at all scales, locally and distantly. Just as trains bring materials and textiles into a city, which become processed into the economy, so the raw electrochemical signals from sensory organs are transported along superhighways of neurons. There the signals undergo processing and transformation into our conscious reality.

*electrochemical: 전기화학의

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Someone else's body language affects our own body, which then creates an emotional echo that makes us feel accordingly. As Louis Armstrong sang, “When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.” If copying another's smile makes us feel happy, the emotion of the smiler has been transmitted via our body. Strange as it may sound, this theory states that emotions arise from our bodies. For example, our mood can be improved by simply lifting up the corners of our mouth. If people are asked to bite down on a pencil lengthwise, taking care not to let the pencil touch their lips (thus forcing the mouth into a smile-like shape), they judge cartoons funnier than if they have been asked to frown. The primacy of the body is sometimes summarized in the phrase “I must be afraid, because I'm running.”

*lengthwise: 길게 **frown: 얼굴을 찡그리다

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Restricting the number of items customers can buy boosts sales. Brian Wansink, Professor of Marketing at Cornell University, investigated the effectiveness of this tactic in 1998. He persuaded three supermarkets in Sioux City, Iowa, to offer Campbell's soup at a small discount: 79 cents rather than 89 cents. The discounted soup was sold in one of three conditions: a control, where there was no limit on the volume of purchases, or two tests, where customers were limited to either four or twelve cans. In the unlimited condition shoppers bought 3.3 cans on average, whereas in the scarce condition, when there was a limit, they bought 5.3 on average. This suggests scarcity encourages sales. The findings are particularly strong because the test took place in a supermarket with genuine shoppers. It didn't rely on claimed data, nor was it held in a laboratory where consumers might behave differently.

*tactic: 전략

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Although technology has the potential to increase productivity, it can also have a negative impact on productivity. For example, in many office environments workers sit at desks with computers and have access to the internet. They are able to check their personal e-mails and use social media whenever they want to. This can stop them from doing their work and make them less productive. Introducing new technology can also have a negative impact on production when it causes a change to the production process or requires workers to learn a new system. Learning to use new technology can be time consuming and stressful for workers and this can cause a decline in productivity.


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20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

The introduction of new technologies clearly has both positive and negative impacts for sustainable development. Good management of technological resources needs to take them fully into account. Technological developments in sectors such as nuclear energy and agriculture provide examples of how not only environmental benefits but also risks to the environment or human health can accompany technological advances. New technologies have profound social impacts as well. Since the industrial revolution, technological advances have changed the nature of skills needed in workplaces, creating certain types of jobs and destroying others, with impacts on employment patterns. New technologies need to be assessed for their full potential impacts, both positive and negative.

21. 밑줄 친 have entirely lost our marbles가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

North America's native cuisine met the same unfortunate fate as its native people, save for a few relics like the Thanksgiving turkey. Certainly, we still have regional specialties, but the Carolina barbecue will almost certainly have California tomatoes in its sauce, and the Louisiana gumbo is just as likely to contain Indonesian farmed shrimp. If either of these shows up on a fast-food menu with lots of added fats or HFCS, we seem unable either to discern or resist the corruption. We have yet to come up with a strong set of generalized norms, passed down through families, for savoring and sensibly consuming what our land and climate give us. We have, instead, a string of fad diets convulsing our bookstores and bellies, one after another, at the scale of the national best seller. Nine out of ten nutritionists view this as evidence that we have entirely lost our marbles.

*relic: 전해 내려오는 풍속 **HFCS: 액상과당

***convulse: 큰 소동을 일으키다

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Perhaps, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace may bode well for Emotional Intelligence (EI). As AI gains momentum and replaces people in jobs at every level, predictions are, there will be a premium placed on people who have high ability in EI. The emotional messages people send and respond to while interacting are, at this point, far beyond the ability of AI programs to mimic. As we get further into the age of the smart machine, it is likely that sensing and managing emotions will remain one type of intelligence that puzzles AI. This means people and jobs involving EI are safe from being taken over by machines. In a survey, almost three out of four executives see EI as a “must-have” skill for the workplace in the future as the automatizing of routine tasks bumps up against the impossibility of creating effective AI for activities that require emotional skill.

* bode: ~의 징조가 되다 ** momentum: 추진력

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Education must focus on the trunk of the tree of knowledge, revealing the ways in which the branches, twigs, and leaves all emerge from a common core. Tools for thinking stem from this core, providing a common language with which practitioners in different fields may share their experience of the process of innovation and discover links between their creative activities. When the same terms are employed across the curriculum, students begin to link different subjects and classes. If they practice abstracting in writing class, if they work on abstracting in painting or drawing class, and if, in all cases, they call it abstracting, they begin to understand how to think beyond disciplinary boundaries. They see how to transform their thoughts from one mode of conception and expression to another. Linking the disciplines comes naturally when the terms and tools are presented as part of a universal imagination.

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

New words and expressions emerge continually in response to new situations, ideas and feelings. The Oxford English Dictionary publishes supplements of new words and expressions that have entered the language. Some people deplore this kind of thing and see it as a drift from correct English. But it was only in the eighteenth century that any attempt was made to formalize spelling and punctuation of English at all. The language we speak in the twenty-first century would be virtually unintelligible to Shakespeare, and so would his way of speaking to us. Alvin Toffler estimated that Shakespeare would probably only understand about 250,000 of the 450,000 words in general use in the English language now. In other words, so to speak, if Shakespeare were to materialize in London today he would understand, on average, only five out of every nine words in our vocabulary.

* deplore: 한탄하다

26. John Ray에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Born in 1627 in Black Notley, Essex, England, John Ray was the son of the village blacksmith. At 16, he went to Cambridge University, where he studied widely and lectured on topics from Greek to mathematics, before joining the priesthood in 1660. To recover from an illness in 1650, he had taken to nature walks and developed an interest in botany. Accompanied by his wealthy student and supporter Francis Willughby, Ray toured Britain and Europe in the 1660s, studying and collecting plants and animals. He married Margaret Oakley in 1673 and, after leaving Willughby's household, lived quietly in Black Notley to the age of 77. He spent his later years studying samples in order to assemble plant and animal catalogues. He wrote more than twenty works on theology and his travels, as well as on plants and their form and function.

*theology: 신학

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Research psychologists often work with self-report data, made up of participants' verbal accounts of their behavior. This is the case whenever questionnaires, interviews, or personality inventories are used to measure variables. Self-report methods can be quite useful. They take advantage of the fact that people have a unique opportunity to observe themselves full-time. However, self-reports can be plagued by several kinds of distortion. One of the most problematic of these distortions is the social desirability bias, which is a tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself. Subjects who are influenced by this bias work overtime trying to create a favorable impression, especially when subjects are asked about sensitive issues. For example, many survey respondents will report that they voted in an election or gave to a charity when in fact it is possible to determine that they did not.



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20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Research shows that people who work have two calendars: one for work and one for their personal lives. Although it may seem sensible, having two separate calendars for work and personal life can lead to distractions. To check if something is missing, you will find yourself checking your to-do lists multiple times. Instead, organize all of your tasks in one place. It doesn't matter if you use digital or paper media. It's okay to keep your professional and personal tasks in one place. This will give you a good idea of how time is divided between work and home. This will allow you to make informed decisions about which tasks are most important.

21. 밑줄 친 become unpaid ambassadors가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Why do you care how a customer reacts to a purchase? Good question. By understanding post-purchase behavior, you can understand the influence and the likelihood of whether a buyer will repurchase the product (and whether she will keep it or return it). You'll also determine whether the buyer will encourage others to purchase the product from you. Satisfied customers can become unpaid ambassadors for your business, so customer satisfaction should be on the top of your to-do list. People tend to believe the opinions of people they know. People trust friends over advertisements any day. They know that advertisements are paid to tell the “good side” and that they're used to persuade them to purchase products and services. By continually monitoring your customer's satisfaction after the sale, you have the ability to avoid negative word-of-mouth advertising.

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time. It didn't work out this way. Instead of more time, most of us have less. Companies large and small have off-loaded work onto the backs of consumers. Things that used to be done for us, as part of the value-added service of working with a company, we are now expected to do ourselves. With air travel, we're now expected to complete our own reservations and check-in, jobs that used to be done by airline employees or travel agents. At the grocery store, we're expected to bag our own groceries and, in some supermarkets, to scan our own purchases.

*drudgery: 고된 일

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

We tend to believe that we possess a host of socially desirable characteristics, and that we are free of most of those that are socially undesirable. For example, a large majority of the general public thinks that they are more intelligent, more fair- minded, less prejudiced, and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person. This phenomenon is so reliable and ubiquitous that it has come to be known as the “Lake Wobegon effect,” after Garrison Keillor's fictional community where “the women are strong, the men are good- looking, and all the children are above average.” A survey of one million high school seniors found that 70% thought they were above average in leadership ability, and only 2% thought they were below average. In terms of ability to get along with others, all students thought they were above average, 60% thought they were in the top 10%, and 25% thought they were in the top 1%!

*ubiquitous: 도처에 있는

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Few people will be surprised to hear that poverty tends to create stress: a 2006 study published in the American journal Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, noted that a lower socioeconomic status was associated with higher levels of stress hormones in the body. However, richer economies have their own distinct stresses. The key issue is time pressure. A 1999 study of 31 countries by American psychologist Robert Levine and Canadian psychologist Ara Norenzayan found that wealthier, more industrialized nations had a faster pace of life―which led to a higher standard of living, but at the same time left the population feeling a constant sense of urgency, as well as being more prone to heart disease. In effect, fast-paced productivity creates wealth, but it also leads people to feel time-poor when they lack the time to relax and enjoy themselves.

*prone: 걸리기 쉬운

26. Gary Becker에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Gary Becker was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1930 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, who was not well educated, had a deep interest in financial and political issues. After graduating from high school, Becker went to Princeton University, where he majored in economics. He was dissatisfied with his economic education at Princeton University because “it didn't seem to be handling real problems.” He earned a doctor's degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1955. His doctoral paper on the economics of discrimination was mentioned by the Nobel Prize Committee as an important contribution to economics. Since 1985, Becker had written a regular economics column in Business Week, explaining economic analysis and ideas to the general public. In 1992, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic science.

*discrimination: 차별

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Although praise is one of the most powerful tools available for improving young children's behavior, it is equally powerful for improving your child's self-esteem. Preschoolers believe what their parents tell them in a very profound way. They do not yet have the cognitive sophistication to reason analytically and reject false information. If a preschool boy consistently hears from his mother that he is smart and a good helper, he is likely to incorporate that information into his self-image. Thinking of himself as a boy who is smart and knows how to do things is likely to make him endure longer in problem-solving efforts and increase his confidence in trying new and difficult tasks. Similarly, thinking of himself as the kind of boy who is a good helper will make him more likely to volunteer to help with tasks at home and at preschool.

*profound: 뜻깊은 **sophistication: 정교화(함)


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36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Like positive habits, bad habits exist on a continuum of easy-to-change and hard-to-change. When you get toward the “hard” end of the spectrum, note the language you hear ― breaking bad habits and battling addiction. It's as if an unwanted behavior is a nefarious villain to be aggressively defeated. But this kind of language (and the approaches it spawns) frames these challenges in a way that isn't helpful or effective. I specifically hope we will stop using this phrase: “break a habit.” This language misguides people. The word “break” sets the wrong expectation for how you get rid of a bad habit. This word implies that if you input a lot of force in one moment, the habit will be gone. However, that rarely works, because you usually cannot get rid of an unwanted habit by applying force one time.

*spawn: 낳다 **nefarious: 사악한

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

A common but incorrect assumption is that we are creatures of reason when, in fact, we are creatures of both reason and emotion. We cannot get by on reason alone since any reason always eventually leads to a feeling. Should I get a wholegrain cereal or a chocolate cereal? I can list all the reasons I want, but the reasons have to be based on something. For example, if my goal is to eat healthy, I can choose the wholegrain cereal, but what is my reason for wanting to be healthy? I can list more and more reasons such as wanting to live longer, spending more quality time with loved ones, etc., but what are the reasons for those reasons? You should be able to see by now that reasons are ultimately based on non-reason such as values, feelings, or emotions. These deep-seated values, feelings, and emotions we have are rarely a result of reasoning, but can certainly be influenced by reasoning. We have values, feelings, and emotions before we begin to reason and long before we begin to reason effectively.

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Electric communication is mainly known in fish. The electric signals are produced in special electric organs. When the signal is discharged the electric organ will be negatively loaded compared to the head and an electric field is created around the fish. A weak electric current is created also in ordinary muscle cells when they contract. In the electric organ the muscle cells are connected in larger chunks, which makes the total current intensity larger than in ordinary muscles. The fish varies the signals by changing the form of the electric field or the frequency of discharging. The system is only working over small distances, about one to two meters. This is an advantage since the species using the signal system often live in large groups with several other species. If many fish send out signals at the same time, the short range decreases the risk of interference.

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Creativity can have an effect on productivity. Creativity leads some individuals to recognize problems that others do not see, but which may be very difficult. Charles Darwin's approach to the speciation problem is a good example of this; he chose a very difficult and tangled problem, speciation, which led him into a long period of data collection and deliberation. This choice of problem did not allow for a quick attack or a simple experiment. In such cases creativity may actually decrease productivity (as measured by publication counts) because effort is focused on difficult problems. For others, whose creativity is more focused on methods and technique, creativity may lead to solutions that drastically reduce the work necessary to solve a problem. We can see an example in the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which enables us to amplify small pieces of DNA in a short time. This type of creativity might reduce the number of steps or substitute steps that are less likely to fail, thus increasing productivity.

*speciation: 종(種) 분화

**polymerase chain reaction: 중합 효소 연쇄 반응

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A young child may be puzzled when asked to distinguish between the directions of right and left. But that same child may have no difficulty in determining the directions of up and down or back and front. Scientists propose that this occurs because, although we experience three dimensions, only two had a strong influence on our evolution: the vertical dimension as defined by gravity and, in mobile species, the front/back dimension as defined by the positioning of sensory and feeding mechanisms. These influence our perception of vertical versus horizontal, far versus close, and the search for dangers from above (such as an eagle) or below (such as a snake). However, the left-right axis is not as relevant in nature. A bear is equally dangerous from its left or the right side, but not if it is upside down. In fact, when observing a scene containing plants, animals, and man-made objects such as cars or street signs, we can only tell when left and right have been inverted if we observe those artificial items.

*axis: 축

Having affected the evolution of our (A)spatial perception, vertical and front/back dimensions are easily perceived, but the left-right axis, which is not (B)significant in nature, doesn't come instantly to us.


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36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In the Old Stone Age, small bands of 20 to 60 people wandered from place to place in search of food. Once people began farming, they could settle down near their farms. As a result, towns and villages grew larger. Living in communities allowed people to organize themselves more efficiently. They could divide up the work of producing food and other things they needed. While some workers grew crops, others built new houses and made tools. Village dwellers also learned to work together to do a task faster. For example, toolmakers could share the work of making stone axes and knives. By working together, they could make more tools in the same amount of time.

*dweller: 거주자

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Natural processes form minerals in many ways. For example, hot melted rock material, called magma, cools when it reaches the Earth's surface, or even if it's trapped below the surface. As magma cools, its atoms lose heat energy, move closer together, and begin to combine into compounds. During this process, atoms of the different compounds arrange themselves into orderly, repeating patterns. The type and amount of elements present in a magma partly determine which minerals will form. Also, the size of the crystals that form depends partly on how rapidly the magma cools. When magma cools slowly, the crystals that form are generally large enough to see with the unaided eye. This is because the atoms have enough time to move together and form into larger crystals. When magma cools rapidly, the crystals that form will be small. In such cases, you can't easily see individual mineral crystals.

*compound: 화합물

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

All carbohydrates are basically sugars. Complex carbohydrates are the good carbohydrates for your body. These complex sugar compounds are very difficult to break down and can trap other nutrients like vitamins and minerals in their chains. As they slowly break down, the other nutrients are also released into your body, and can provide you with fuel for a number of hours. Bad carbohydrates, on the other hand, are simple sugars. Because their structure is not complex, they are easy to break down and hold few nutrients for your body other than the sugars from which they are made. Your body breaks down these carbohydrates rather quickly and what it cannot use is converted to fat and stored in the body.

*carbohydrate: 탄수화물 **convert: 바꾸다

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

People commonly make the mistaken assumption that because a person has one type of characteristic, then they automatically have other characteristics which go with it. In one study, university students were given descriptions of a guest lecturer before he spoke to the group. Half the students received a description containing the word ‘warm’, the other half were told the speaker was ‘cold’. The guest lecturer then led a discussion, after which the students were asked to give their impressions of him. As expected, there were large differences between the impressions formed by the students, depending upon their original information of the lecturer. It was also found that those students who expected the lecturer to be warm tended to interact with him more. This shows that different expectations not only affect the impressions we form but also our behaviour and the relationship which is formed.

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

To help decide what's risky and what's safe, who's trustworthy and who's not, we look for social evidence. From an evolutionary view, following the group is almost always positive for our prospects of survival. “If everyone's doing it, it must be a sensible thing to do,” explains famous psychologist and best selling writer of Influence, Robert Cialdini. While we can frequently see this today in product reviews, even subtler cues within the environment can signal trustworthiness. Consider this: when you visit a local restaurant, are they busy? Is there a line outside or is it easy to find a seat? It is a hassle to wait, but a line can be a powerful cue that the food's tasty, and these seats are in demand. More often than not, it's good to adopt the practices of those around you.

* subtle: 미묘한 ** hassle: 성가신 일

We tend to feel safe and secure in (A)numbers when we decide how to act, particularly when faced with (B)uncertain conditions.


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29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Human beings like certainty. This liking stems from our ancient ancestors who needed to survive alongside saber-toothed tigers and poisonous berries. Our brains evolved to help us attend to threats, keep away from them, and remain alive afterward. In fact, we learned that the more certain we were about something, the better chance we had of making the right choice. Is this berry the same shape as last time? The same size? If I know for certain it is, my brain will direct me to eat it because I know it's safe. And if I'm uncertain, my brain will send out a danger alert to protect me. The dependence on certainty all those millennia ago ensured our survival to the present day, and the danger-alert system continues to protect us. This is achieved by our brains labeling new, vague, or unpredictable everyday events and experiences as uncertain. Our brains then generate sensations, thoughts, and action plans to keep us safe from the uncertain element, and we live to see another day.

*saber-toothed tiger: 검치호(검 모양의 송곳니를 가진 호랑이)

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Robert Blattberg and Steven Hoch noted that, in a changing environment, it is not clear that consistency is always a virtue and that one of the advantages of human judgment is the ability to detect change. Thus, in changing environments, it might be advantageous to combine human judgment and statistical models. Blattberg and Hoch examined this possibility by having supermarket managers forecast demand for certain products and then creating a composite forecast by averaging these judgments with the forecasts of statistical models based on past data. The logic was that statistical models assume stable conditions and therefore cannot account for the effects on demand of novel events such as actions taken by competitors or the introduction of new products. Humans, however, can incorporate these novel factors in their judgments. The composite ― or average of human judgments and statistical models ― proved to be more accurate than either the statistical models or the managers working alone.

*composite: 종합적인; 종합된 것

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Free play is nature's means of teaching children that they are not helpless. In play, away from adults, children really do have control and can practice asserting it. In free play, children learn to make their own decisions, solve their own problems, create and follow rules, and get along with others as equals rather than as obedient or rebellious subordinates. In active outdoor play, children deliberately dose themselves with moderate amounts of fear and they thereby learn how to control not only their bodies, but also their fear. In social play children learn how to negotiate with others, how to please others, and how to manage and overcome the anger that can arise from conflicts. None of these lessons can be taught through verbal means; they can be learned only through experience, which free play provides.

*rebellious: 반항적인

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Many early dot-com investors focused almost entirely on revenue growth instead of net income. Many early dot-com companies earned most of their revenue from selling advertising space on their Web sites. To boost reported revenue, some sites began exchanging ad space. Company A would put an ad for its Web site on company B's Web site, and company B would put an ad for its Web site on company A's Web site. No money ever changed hands, but each company recorded revenue (for the value of the space that it gave up on its site) and expense (for the value of its ad that it placed on the other company's site). This practice did little to boost net income and resulted in no additional cash inflow ― but it did boost reported revenue. This practice was quickly put to an end because accountants felt that it did not meet the criteria of the revenue recognition principle.

*revenue: 수익 **net income: 순이익

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Scholars of myth have long argued that myth gives structure and meaning to human life; that meaning is amplified when a myth evolves into a world. A virtual world's ability to fulfill needs grows when lots and lots of people believe in the world. Conversely, a virtual world cannot be long sustained by a mere handful of adherents. Consider the difference between a global sport and a game I invent with my nine friends and play regularly. My game might be a great game, one that is completely immersive, one that consumes all of my group's time and attention. If its reach is limited to the ten of us, though, then it's ultimately just a weird hobby, and it has limited social function. For a virtual world to provide lasting, wide-ranging value, its participants must be a large enough group to be considered a society. When that threshold is reached, psychological value can turn into wide-ranging social value.

*adherent: 추종자 **threshold: 기준점

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

It seems natural to describe certain environmental conditions as ‘extreme’, ‘harsh’, ‘benign’ or ‘stressful’. It may seem obvious when conditions are ‘extreme’: the midday heat of a desert, the cold of an Antarctic winter, the salinity of the Great Salt Lake. But this only means that these conditions are extreme for us, given our particular physiological characteristics and tolerances. To a cactus there is nothing extreme about the desert conditions in which cacti have evolved; nor are the icy lands of Antarctica an extreme environment for penguins. It is lazy and dangerous for the ecologist to assume that all other organisms sense the environment in the way we do. Rather, the ecologist should try to gain a worm's-eye or plant's-eye view of the environment: to see the world as others see it. Emotive words like harsh and benign, even relativities such as hot and cold, should be used by ecologists only with care.

*benign: 온화한 **salinity: 염도

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Human processes differ from rational processes in their outcome. A process is rational if it always does the right thing based on the current information, given an ideal performance measure. In short, rational processes go by the book and assume that the book is actually correct. Human processes involve instinct, intuition, and other variables that don't necessarily reflect the book and may not even consider the existing data. As an example, the rational way to drive a car is to always follow the laws. However, traffic isn't rational; if you follow the laws precisely, you end up stuck somewhere because other drivers aren't following the laws precisely. To be successful, a self-driving car must therefore act humanly, rather than rationally.


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29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The most noticeable human characteristic projected onto animals is that they can talk in human language. Physically, animal cartoon characters and toys made after animals are also most often deformed in such a way as to resemble humans. This is achieved by showing them with humanlike facial features and deformed front legs to resemble human hands. In more recent animated movies the trend has been to show the animals in a more “natural” way. However, they still use their front legs like human hands (for example, lions can pick up and lift small objects with one paw), and they still talk with an appropriate facial expression. A general strategy that is used to make the animal characters more emotionally appealing, both to children and adults, is to give them enlarged and deformed childlike features.

*deform: 변형하다 **paw: (동물의) 발

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

The major philosophical shift in the idea of selling came when industrial societies became more affluent, more competitive, and more geographically spread out during the 1940s and 1950s. This forced business to develop closer relations with buyers and clients, which in turn made business realize that it was not enough to produce a quality product at a reasonable price. In fact, it was equally essential to deliver products that customers actually wanted. Henry Ford produced his best-selling T-model Ford in one color only (black) in 1908, but in modern societies this was no longer possible. The modernization of society led to a marketing revolution that destroyed the view that production would create its own demand. Customers, and the desire to meet their diverse and often complex needs, became the focus of business.

*affluent: 부유한

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

People differ in how quickly they can reset their biological clocks to overcome jet lag, and the speed of recovery depends on the direction of travel. Generally, it's easier to fly westward and lengthen your day than it is to fly eastward and shorten it. This east-west difference in jet lag is sizable enough to have an impact on the performance of sports teams. Studies have found that teams flying westward perform significantly better than teams flying eastward in professional baseball and college football. A more recent study of more than 46,000 Major League Baseball games found additional evidence that eastward travel is tougher than westward travel.

*jet lag: 시차로 인한 피로감

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

If you want the confidence that comes from achieving what you set out to do each day, then it's important to understand how long things are going to take. Over-optimism about what can be achieved within a certain time frame is a problem. So work on it. Make a practice of estimating the amount of time needed alongside items on your ‘things to do’ list, and learn by experience when tasks take a greater or lesser time than expected. Give attention also to fitting the task to the available time. There are some tasks that you can only set about if you have a significant amount of time available. There is no point in trying to gear up for such a task when you only have a short period available. So schedule the time you need for the longer tasks and put the short tasks into the spare moments in between.

*gear up: 준비를 갖추다, 대비하다

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, the Red Queen takes Alice on a race through the countryside. They run and they run, but then Alice discovers that they're still under the same tree that they started from. The Red Queen explains to Alice: “here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.” Biologists sometimes use this Red Queen Effect to explain an evolutionary principle. If foxes evolve to run faster so they can catch more rabbits, then only the fastest rabbits will live long enough to make a new generation of bunnies that run even faster ― in which case, of course, only the fastest foxes will catch enough rabbits to thrive and pass on their genes. Even though they might run, the two species just stay in place.

*thrive: 번성하다

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Everything in the world around us was finished in the mind of its creator before it was started. The houses we live in, the cars we drive, and our clothing ― all of these began with an idea. Each idea was then studied, refined and perfected before the first nail was driven or the first piece of cloth was cut. Long before the idea was turned into a physical reality, the mind had clearly pictured the finished product. The human being designs his or her own future through much the same process. We begin with an idea about how the future will be. Over a period of time we refine and perfect the vision. Before long, our every thought, decision and activity are all working in harmony to bring into existence what we have mentally concluded about the future.

*refine: 다듬다

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Whose story it is affects what the story is. Change the main character, and the focus of the story must also change. If we look at the events through another character's eyes, we will interpret them differently. We'll place our sympathies with someone new. When the conflict arises that is the heart of the story, we will be praying for a different outcome. Consider, for example, how the tale of Cinderella would shift if told from the viewpoint of an evil stepsister. Gone with the Wind is Scarlett O'Hara's story, but what if we were shown the same events from the viewpoint of Rhett Butler or Melanie Wilkes?

*sympathy: 공감


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20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

The more people have to do unwanted things the more chances are that they create unpleasant environment for themselves and others. If you hate the thing you do but have to do it nonetheless, you have choice between hating the thing and accepting that it needs to be done. Either way you will do it. Doing it from place of hatred will develop hatred towards the self and others around you; doing it from the place of acceptance will create compassion towards the self and allow for opportunities to find a more suitable way of accomplishing the task. If you decide to accept the fact that your task has to be done, start from recognising that your situation is a gift from life; this will help you to see it as a lesson in acceptance.

21. 밑줄 친 helping move the needle forward가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Everyone's heard the expression don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good. If you want to get over an obstacle so that your idea can become the solution-based policy you've long dreamed of, you can't have an all-or-nothing mentality. You have to be willing to alter your idea and let others influence its outcome. You have to be okay with the outcome being a little different, even a little less, than you wanted. Say you're pushing for a clean water act. Even if what emerges isn't as well-funded as you wished, or doesn't match how you originally conceived the bill, you'll have still succeeded in ensuring that kids in troubled areas have access to clean water. That's what counts, that they will be safer because of your idea and your effort. Is it perfect? No. Is there more work to be done? Absolutely. But in almost every case, helping move the needle forward is vastly better than not helping at all.

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Brands that fail to grow and develop lose their relevance. Think about the person you knew who was once on the fast track at your company, who is either no longer with the firm or, worse yet, appears to have hit a plateau in his or her career. Assuming he or she did not make an ambitious move, more often than not, this individual is a victim of having failed to stay relevant and embrace the advances in his or her industry. Think about the impact personal computing technology had on the first wave of executive leadership exposed to the technology. Those who embraced the technology were able to integrate it into their work styles and excel. Those who were resistant many times found few opportunities to advance their careers and in many cases were ultimately let go through early retirement for failure to stay relevant and update their skills.

*hit a plateau: 정체기에 들다

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

What consequences of eating too many grapes and other sweet fruit could there possibly be for our brains? A few large studies have helped to shed some light. In one, higher fruit intake in older, cognitively healthy adults was linked with less volume in the hippocampus. This finding was unusual, since people who eat more fruit usually display the benefits associated with a healthy diet. In this study, however, the researchers isolated various components of the subjects' diets and found that fruit didn't seem to be doing their memory centers any favors. Another study from the Mayo Clinic saw a similar inverse relationship between fruit intake and volume of the cortex, the large outer layer of the brain. Researchers in the latter study noted that excessive consumption of high-sugar fruit (such as mangoes, bananas, and pineapples) may cause metabolic and cognitive problems as much as processed carbs do.

*hippocampus: (대뇌 측두엽의) 해마 **carb: 탄수화물 식품

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Winning turns on a self-conscious awareness that others are watching. It's a lot easier to move under the radar when no one knows you and no one is paying attention. You can mess up and be rough and get dirty because no one even knows you're there. But as soon as you start to win, and others start to notice, you're suddenly aware that you're being observed. You're being judged. You worry that others will discover your flaws and weaknesses, and you start hiding your true personality, so you can be a good role model and good citizen and a leader that others can respect. There is nothing wrong with that. But if you do it at the expense of being who you really are, making decisions that please others instead of pleasing yourself, you're not going to be in that position very long. When you start apologizing for who you are, you stop growing and you stop winning. Permanently.

[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Creative people aren't all cut from the same cloth. They have varying levels of maturity and sensitivity. They have different approaches to work. And they're each motivated by different things. Managing people is about being aware of their unique personalities. It's also about empathy and adaptability, and knowing how the things you do and say will be interpreted and adapting accordingly. Who you are and what you say may not be the same from one person to the next. For instance, if you're asking someone to work a second weekend in a row, or telling them they aren't getting that deserved promotion just yet, you need to bear in mind the individual. Vincent will have a very different reaction to the news than Emily, and they will each be more receptive to the news if it's bundled with different things. Perhaps that promotion news will land easier if Vincent is given a few extra vacation days for the holidays, while you can promise Emily a bigger promotion a year from now. Consider each person's complex positive and negative personality traits, their life circumstances, and their mindset in the moment when deciding what to say and how to say it. Personal connection, compassion, and an individualized management style are key to drawing consistent, rock star-level work out of everyone.



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20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

It is difficult for any of us to maintain a constant level of attention throughout our working day. We all have body rhythms characterised by peaks and valleys of energy and alertness. You will achieve more, and feel confident as a benefit, if you schedule your most demanding tasks at times when you are best able to cope with them. If you haven't thought about energy peaks before, take a few days to observe yourself. Try to note the times when you are at your best. We are all different. For some, the peak will come first thing in the morning, but for others it may take a while to warm up.

*alertness: 기민함

21. 밑줄 친 The divorce of the hands from the head가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

If we adopt technology, we need to pay its costs. Thousands of traditional livelihoods have been pushed aside by progress, and the lifestyles around those jobs removed. Hundreds of millions of humans today work at jobs they hate, producing things they have no love for. Sometimes these jobs cause physical pain, disability, or chronic disease. Technology creates many new jobs that are certainly dangerous. At the same time, mass education and media train humans to avoid low-tech physical work, to seek jobs working in the digital world. The divorce of the hands from the head puts a stress on the human mind. Indeed, the sedentary nature of the best-paying jobs is a health risk ― for body and mind.

*chronic: 만성의 **sedentary: 주로 앉아서 하는

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

When students are starting their college life, they may approach every course, test, or learning task the same way, using what we like to call “the rubber-stamp approach.” Think about it this way: Would you wear a tuxedo to a baseball game? A colorful dress to a funeral? A bathing suit to religious services? Probably not. You know there's appropriate dress for different occasions and settings. Skillful learners know that “putting on the same clothes” won't work for every class. They are flexible learners. They have different strategies and know when to use them. They know that you study for multiple-choice tests differently than you study for essay tests. And they not only know what to do, but they also know how to do it.

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions improved. Gradually people were given more time off. At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places. England's industrial revolution led to many of these changes. Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton. With the railways came many large hotels. In Canada, for example, the new coast-to-coast railway system made possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Success can lead you off your intended path and into a comfortable rut. If you are good at something and are well rewarded for doing it, you may want to keep doing it even if you stop enjoying it. The danger is that one day you look around and realize you're so deep in this comfortable rut that you can no longer see the sun or breathe fresh air; the sides of the rut have become so slippery that it would take a superhuman effort to climb out; and, effectively, you're stuck. And it's a situation that many working people worry they're in now. The poor employment market has left them feeling locked in what may be a secure, or even well-paying ― but ultimately unsatisfying ― job.

*rut: 틀에 박힌 생활

[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Chess masters shown a chess board in the middle of a game for 5 seconds with 20 to 30 pieces still in play can immediately reproduce the position of the pieces from memory. Beginners, of course, are able to place only a few. Now take the same pieces and place them on the board randomly and the difference is much reduced. The expert's advantage is only for familiar patterns ― those previously stored in memory. Faced with unfamiliar patterns, even when it involves the same familiar domain, the expert's advantage disappears.

The beneficial effects of familiar structure on memory have been observed for many types of expertise, including music. People with musical training can reproduce short sequences of musical notation more accurately than those with no musical training when notes follow conventional sequences, but the advantage is much reduced when the notes are ordered randomly. Expertise also improves memory for sequences of movements. Experienced ballet dancers are able to repeat longer sequences of steps than less experienced dancers, and they can repeat a sequence of steps making up a routine better than steps ordered randomly. In each case, memory range is increased by the ability to recognize familiar sequences and patterns.

*expertise: 전문 지식 **sequence: 연속, 순서 *** musical notation: 악보


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30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Countershading is the process of optical flattening that provides camouflage to animals. When sunlight illuminates an object from above, the object will be brightest on top. The color of the object will gradually shade darker toward the bottom. This shading gives the object depth and allows the viewer to distinguish its shape. Thus even if an animal is exactly, but uniformly, the same color as the substrate, it will be easily visible when illuminated. Most animals, however, are darker above than they are below. When they are illuminated from above, the darker back is lightened and the lighter belly is shaded. The animal thus appears to be a single color and easily blends in with the substrate. This pattern of coloration, or countershading, destroys the visual impression of shape in the organism. It allows the animal to blend in with its background.

*camouflage 위장 **substrate 밑바탕, 기질(基質)

위장의 방법 중 하나인 카운터셰이딩

카운터셰이딩(명암역위형보호색)은 동물에게 위장을 제공하는 시각적으로 평평하게 하는 과정이다. 햇빛이 물체를 위에서 비출 때, 그 물체는 맨 위에서 가장 밝을 것이다. 물체의 색깔은 맨 아래로 향할수록 점차 더 어두운색으로 음영이 생기게 될 것이다. 이러한 음영은 물체에 농도를 주고 보는 사람이 그것의 모양을 식별하게 해 준다. 따라서 비록 동물이 밑바탕과 정확하지만 균일하게 같은 색일지라도 빛이 비춰질 때 쉽게 눈에 띌 것이다. 그러나 대부분의 동물은 아랫부분보다 윗부분이 더 어둡다. 그들이 위에서 빛을 받을 때, 더 어두운 등은 밝아지고 더 밝은 복부는 음영이 생긴다. 따라서 동물은 하나의 색처럼 보이고 밑바탕과 쉽게 섞인다. 이러한 형태의 배색 즉, 카운터셰이딩은 생물체의 모양의 시각적 인상을 파괴한다. 그것은 동물이 그것의 배경과 섞이게 해 준다.

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

No learning is possible without an error signal. Organisms only learn when events violate their expectations. In other words, surprise is one of the fundamental drivers of learning. Imagine hearing a series of identical notes, AAAAA. Each note draws out a response in the auditory areas of your brain ― but as the notes repeat, those responses progressively decrease. This is called “adaptation,” a deceptively simple phenomenon that shows that your brain is learning to anticipate the next event. Suddenly, the note changes: AAAAA#. Your primary auditory cortex immediately shows a strong surprise reaction: not only does the adaptation fade away, but additional neurons begin to vigorously fire in response to the unexpected sound. And it is not just repetition that leads to adaptation: what matters is whether the notes are predictable. For instance, if you hear an alternating set of notes, such as ABABA, your brain gets used to this alternation, and the activity in your auditory areas again decreases. This time, however, it is an unexpected repetition, such as ABABB, that triggers a surprise response.

학습은 예측할 수 없을 때 발생한다

어떤 학습도 오류 신호 없이는 가능하지 않다. 유기체는 사건이 그들의 기대에 어긋날 때에만 학습한다. 다시 말해 놀람은 학습의 근본적인 동력 중 하나이다. 일련의 똑같은 음인 AAAAA를 듣는 것을 상상해 보아라. 각각의 음은 여러분의 뇌의 청각 영역에서 반응을 끌어내지만 음이 반복되면서 그 반응은 점진적으로 감소한다. 이것은 ‘적응’이라 불리며 당신의 뇌가 다음 사건을 예상하는 것을 배울 것임을 보여 주는 현혹될 정도로 단순해 보이는 현상이다. 갑자기 그 음이 AAAAA#으로 바뀐다. 당신의 일차 청각 피질은 즉시 강한 놀람의 반응을 보이는데, 즉 적응이 점차 사라질 뿐만 아니라 예상치 못한 소리에 대한 반응으로 추가적인 뉴런이 힘차게 활성화되기 시작한다. 그리고 적응을 유발하는 것은 단순한 반복이 아니라, 중요한 것은 그 음이 예측 가능한지이다. 예를 들어 만약 당신이 ABABA와 같이 한 세트의 교차하는 음을 듣는다면, 당신의 뇌는 이 교차에 익숙해지고, 당신의 청각 영역 내 활동은 다시 감소한다. 그러나 이번에는 놀람의 반응을 일으키는 것은 바로 ABABB와 같은 예상치 못한 반복이다.

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The connectedness of the global economic market makes it vulnerable to potential “infection.” A financial failure can make its way from borrowers to banks to insurers, spreading like a flu. However, there are unexpected characteristics when it comes to such infection in the market. Infection can occur even without any contact. A bank might become insolvent even without having any of its investments fail. Fear and uncertainty can be damaging to financial markets, just as cascading failures due to bad investments. If we all woke up tomorrow and believed that Bank X would be insolvent, then it would become insolvent. In fact, it would be enough for us to fear that others believed that Bank X was going to fail, or just to fear our collective fear! We might all even know that Bank X was well-managed with healthy investments, but if we expected others to pull their money out, then we would fear being the last to pull our money out. Financial distress can be self-fulfilling and is a particularly troublesome aspect of financial markets.

*insolvent 지급 불능의, 파산한 **cascading 연속된

두려움과 불확실성만으로도 영향을 받을 수 있는 경제 시장

전 세계 경제 시장의 연결성은 그것을 잠재적 ‘감염’에 취약하게 만든다. 금융상의 실패는 독감처럼 퍼지면서 채무자에서부터 은행, 보증인까지 나아갈 수 있다. 그러나 시장에서의 그러한 감염에 관한 예상치 못한 특징들이 있다. 감염이 심지어 어떤 접촉 없이도 일어날 수 있다. 은행은 어떠한 투자에 실패하지 않고도 지급 불능이 될 수 있다. 어떤 나쁜 투자들 때문에 일어나는 연속된 실패처럼 금융 시장에 두려움과 불확실성은 손해를 끼칠 수 있다. 만약 우리 모두가 내일 깨어나서 X은행이 지급 불능이 될 것이라고 믿는다면, 그것은 지급 불능이 될 것이다. 사실 우리가 다른 사람들이 X은행이 실패할 것이라고 믿고 있다는 것을 무서워하거나 단지 우리의 집단적인 두려움을 무서워하는 것으로 충분할 것이다. 우리 모두가 심지어 X은행이 건전한 투자로 잘 운영된다는 것을 알지라도 만약 우리가 다른 사람들이 그들의 돈을 인출해 갈 것이라고 예상한다면, 그러면 우리는 자신의 돈을 인출하는 마지막 사람이 되는 것을 무서워 할 것이다. 재정적인 고통은 자기충족적일 수 있고 금융 시장에서의 특별히 골치 아픈 측면이다.

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Negative numbers are a lot more abstract than positive numbers ― you can't see negative 4 cookies and you certainly can't eat them ― but you can think about them, and you have to, in all aspects of daily life, from debts to contending with freezing temperatures and parking garages. Still, many of us haven't quite made peace with negative numbers. People have invented all sorts of funny little mental strategies to sidestep the dreaded negative sign. On mutual fund statements, losses (negative numbers) are printed in red or stuck in parentheses with no negative sign to be found. The history books tell us that Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C., not -100. The underground levels in a parking garage often have designations like B1 and B2. Temperatures are one of the few exceptions: folks do say, especially here in Ithaca, New York, that it's -5 degrees outside, though even then, many prefer to say 5 below zero. There's something about that negative sign that just looks so unpleasant.

*parentheses 괄호

불편한 음수를 대신하는 다양한 표현

여러분이 음수의 4개의 쿠키를 볼 수 없고 틀림없이 그것들을 먹을 수 없다는 점에서 음수는 양수보다 훨씬 더 추상적이지만 여러분은 그것들을 생각할 수 있으며, 채무에서부터 몹시 차가운 기온, 주차장과 씨름하는 것에 이르기까지 일상생활의 모든 측면에서 생각‘해야만 한다’. 여전히 우리들 중 많은 사람들은 음수와 잘 지내지 못해 왔다. 사람들은 그 두려운 음수의 기호를 피하기 위해 모든 종류의 우스꽝스럽고 사소한 정신적 전략들을 만들어 냈다. 뮤추얼 펀드(계약형 투자 신탁) 진술에서 손실(음수)은 빨간색으로 인쇄되거나 음수의 기호가 발견되지 않은 채 괄호 안에 갇혀있다. 역사책은 우리에게 Julius Caesar가 –100이 아닌 기원전 100년에 태어났다고 말한다. 주차장의 지하층은 종종 B1과 B2와 같은 명칭을 가지고 있다. 기온은 몇 안 되는 예외 중 하나인데 특히 여기 New York의 Ithaca에서 사람들은 바깥의 기온이 -5도라고 말하지만 심지어 그때에도 많은 사람들은 영하 5도라고 말하길 선호한다. 그 음수의 기호에 관해서는 정말 불쾌하게만 보이는 무언가가 있다.

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Observational studies of humans cannot be properly controlled. Humans live different lifestyles and in different environments. Thus, they are insufficiently homogeneous to be suitable experimental subjects. These confounding factors undermine our ability to draw sound causal conclusions from human epidemiological surveys. Confounding factors are variables (known or unknown) that make it difficult for epidemiologists to isolate the effects of the specific variable being studied. For example, Taubes argued that since many people who drink also smoke, researchers have difficulty determining the link between alcohol consumption and cancer. Similarly, researchers in the famous Framingham study identified a significant correlation between coffee drinking and coronary heart disease. However, most of this correlation disappeared once researchers corrected for the fact that many coffee drinkers also smoke. If the confounding factors are known, it is often possible to correct for them. However, if they are unknown, they will undermine the reliability of the causal conclusions we draw from epidemiological surveys.

*homogeneous 동질적인 **epidemiological 역학의

교란 변수로 인한 관찰 연구의 어려움

인간에 대한 관찰 연구는 적절하게 통제될 수 없다. 인간은 다양한 생활 방식으로 그리고 다양한 환경에서 살고 있다. 따라서 그들은 적절한 실험 대상이 되기에 충분히 동질적이지 않다. 이러한 ‘교란 변수’는 인간 역학 조사로부터 타당한 인과적 결론을 도출하는 우리의 능력을 손상시킨다. 교란 변수는 역학자가 연구되고 있는 특정한 변수의 영향을 분리하기 어렵게 만드는 (알려지거나 알려지지 않은) 변수이다. 예를 들어, Taubes는 술을 마시는 많은 사람들이 흡연도 하기 때문에 연구자들이 알코올 섭취와 암 사이의 연관성을 결정짓는 데 어려움을 겪는다고 주장했다. 마찬가지로 유명한 Framingham 연구의 연구자들은 커피를 마시는 것과 관상 동맥성 심장 질환 사이에 상당한 상관관계를 확인했다. 그러나 연구자들이 커피를 마시는 많은 사람들이 흡연도 한다는 사실에 대해 수정을 하자 이러한 상관관계의 대부분은 사라졌다. 교란 변수들이 알려져 있다면 그것들을 수정하는 것이 종종 가능하다. 그러나 그것들이 알려져 있지 않다면, 그것들은 우리가 역학 조사로부터 도출하는 인과적 결론의 신뢰성을 손상시킬 것이다.

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Of all the human emotions, none is trickier or more elusive than envy. It is very difficult to actually discern the envy that motivates people's actions. The reason for this elusiveness is simple: we almost never directly express the envy we are feeling. Envy entails the admission to ourselves that we are inferior to another person in something we value. Not only is it painful to admit this inferiority, but it is even worse for others to see that we are feeling this. And so almost as soon as we experience the initial feelings of envy, we are motivated to disguise it to ourselves ― it is not envy we feel but unfairness at the distribution of goods or attention, resentment at this unfairness, even anger.

*elusive 이해하기 어려운

까다롭고 이해하기 힘든 감정:질투

인간의 모든 감정 중에서 질투보다 더 까다롭거나 더 이해하기 어려운 것은 없다. 사람들의 행동을 자극하는 질투를 실제로 알아차리는 것은 매우 어렵다. 이러한 모호함의 이유는 간단한데, 우리는 우리가 느끼고 있는 질투를 대부분 절대 직접적으로 표현하지 않는다. 질투는 우리가 가치 있게 여기는 무언가에서 우리가 또 다른 사람보다 열등하다는 스스로에 대한 인정을 수반한다. 이 열등감을 인정하는 것은 고통스러울 뿐만 아니라 우리가 이것을 느끼고 있다는 것을 다른 사람들이 알게 되는 것은 훨씬 더 나쁘다. 그래서 우리가 최초의 질투심을 경험하는 거의 즉시, 우리는 그것을 우리 자신에게 감추고자 하게 되는데, 즉 그것은 우리가 느끼는 질투가 아니라 재산의 분배나 관심에 대한 불공평함, 이 불공평함에 대한 분개, 심지어 분노이다.


2211 고1 EF002 한줄해석.pdf
2211 고1 EF002-1 영작연습.pdf
2211 고1 EF002-2 해석연습.pdf

2211 고1 EF002 한줄해석s.pdf
2211 고1 EF002-1 영작연습s.pdf
2211 고1 EF002-2 해석연습s.pdf

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30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Plant growth is controlled by a group of hormones called auxins found at the tips of stems and roots of plants. Auxins produced at the tips of stems tend to accumulate on the side of the stem that is in the shade. Accordingly, the auxins stimulate growth on the shaded side of the plant. Therefore, the shaded side grows faster than the side facing the sunlight. This phenomenon causes the stem to bend and appear to be growing towards the light. Auxins have the opposite effect on the roots of plants. Auxins in the tips of roots tend to limit growth. If a root is horizontal in the soil, the auxins will accumulate on the lower side and interfere with its development. Therefore, the lower side of the root will grow slower than the upper side. This will, in turn, cause the root to bend downwards, with the tip of the root growing in that direction.

줄기와 뿌리에서 서로 다르게 작용하는 식물 호르몬 옥신

식물의 성장은 식물의 줄기와 뿌리의 끝에서 발견되는 옥신이라고 불리는 호르몬 그룹에 의해 조절된다. 줄기의 끝에서 생산된 옥신은 그늘진 곳에 있는 줄기의 옆면에 축적되는 경향이 있다. 따라서, 옥신은 식물의 그늘진 면에서의 성장을 자극한다. 그러므로 그늘진 면은 햇빛을 마주하는 면보다 더 빨리 자란다. 이 현상은 줄기가 휘어지게 하고 빛을 향하여 성장하는 것처럼 보이게 한다. 옥신은 식물의 뿌리에서는 반대의 효과를 가진다. 뿌리 끝에 있는 옥신은 성장을 억제하는 경향이 있다. 만약 하나의 뿌리가 토양 속에서 수평이라면, 옥신은 아래쪽에 축적되어 그것의 발달을 방해할 것이다. 그러므로 뿌리의 아래쪽은 위쪽보다 더 느리게 자라게 된다. 이것은 결과적으로 뿌리가 아래로 휘어지게 하고 뿌리의 끝부분은 그 방향으로 자란다.

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

To demonstrate how best to defeat the habit of delaying, Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics, performed an experiment on students in three of his classes at MIT. He assigned all classes three reports over the course of the semester. The first class had to choose three due dates for themselves, up to and including the last day of class. The second had no deadlines ― all three papers just had to be submitted by the last day of class. In his third class, he gave students three set deadlines over the course of the semester. At the end of the semester, he found that students with set deadlines received the best grades, the students with no deadlines had the worst, and those who could choose their own deadlines fell somewhere in the middle. Ariely concludes that restricting freedom ― whether by the professor or by students who recognize their own tendencies to delay things ― improves self-control and performance.

자유를 제한하는 것이 자기 통제와 성과 향상에 미치는 긍정적 영향

미루는 습관을 가장 잘 무너뜨리는 방법을 설명하기 위해, 심리학 및 행동경제학 교수인 Dan Ariely는 MIT의 자신의 수업 중 세 개에서 학생들을 대상으로 실험을 수행했다. 그는 학기 과정 동안 모든 수업에 세 개의 보고서를 과제로 부여했다. 첫 번째 수업의 학생들은 종강일까지 포함해서 세 개의 마감일을 스스로 선택해야 했다. 두 번째는 마감일이 없었고, 세 개의 보고서 모두 종강일까지 제출되기만 하면 되었다. 그의 세 번째 수업에서, 그는 학기 과정 동안 학생들에게 세 개의 정해진 마감일을 주었다. 학기 말에, 그는 마감일이 정해진 학생들이 최고의 성적을 받았고, 마감일이 없는 학생들은 최하의 성적을 받았으며, 자신의 마감일을 선택할 수 있었던 학생들은 그 중간 어디쯤의 위치에 있었다는 것을 알아냈다. Ariely는, 교수에 의해서든 혹은 일을 미루는 자신의 성향을 인식한 학생들에 의해서든, 자유를 제한하는 것은 자기 통제와 성과를 향상시킨다고 결론짓는다.

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The best way in which innovation changes our lives is by enabling people to work for each other. The main theme of human history is that we become steadily more specialized in what we produce, and steadily more diversified in what we consume: we move away from unstable self-sufficiency to safer mutual interdependence. By concentrating on serving other people's needs for forty hours a week ― which we call a job ― you can spend the other seventy-two hours (not counting fifty-six hours in bed) relying on the services provided to you by other people. Innovation has made it possible to work for a fraction of a second in order to be able to afford to turn on an electric lamp for an hour, providing the quantity of light that would have required a whole day's work if you had to make it yourself by collecting and refining sesame oil or lamb fat to burn in a simple lamp, as much of humanity did in the not so distant past.

*a fraction of a second 아주 짧은 시간 **refine 정제하다

혁신을 통해 서로를 위해 일을 함으로써 더욱 편리해진 인류의 삶

혁신이 우리의 삶을 바꾸는 최고의 방법은 사람들이 서로를 위해 일할 수 있도록 함으로써이다. 인류 역사의 주요한 주제는 우리가 생산하는 데 꾸준히 더 전문화되고 소비하는 데 꾸준히 더 다양화되는 것이다. 즉, 우리는 불안정한 자급자족에서 더 안전한 서로 간의 상호의존으로 옮겨간다는 것이다. 일주일에 40시간 동안 사람들의 필요를 충족시키는 것, 즉 우리가 직업이라고 부르는 것에 집중함으로써, 여러분은 다른 사람들에 의해 여러분에게 제공되는 서비스에 의지하여 나머지 72시간(잠자는 56시간은 계산에 넣지 않고)을 보낼 수 있다. 혁신은 전등을 한 시간 동안 켜는 여유를 가질 수 있게 하기 위해 아주 짧은 시간 동안 일하는 것을 가능하게 했고, 그것은 만약 여러분이 그리 멀지 않은 과거에 많은 인류가 했던 것처럼 단순한 등을 켜기 위해 참기름이나 양의 지방을 모으고 정제함으로써 그것을 스스로 만들어야 했다면 하루 종일의 노동을 필요로 했었을 빛의 양을 제공했다.

33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

If you've ever made a poor choice, you might be interested in learning how to break that habit. One great way to trick your brain into doing so is to sign a “Ulysses Contract.” The name of this life tip comes from the Greek myth about Ulysses, a captain whose ship sailed past the island of the Sirens, a tribe of dangerous women who lured victims to their death with their irresistible songs. Knowing that he would otherwise be unable to resist, Ulysses instructed his crew to stuff their ears with cotton and tie him to the ship's mast to prevent him from turning their ship towards the Sirens. It worked for him and you can do the same thing by locking yourself out of your temptations. For example, if you want to stay off your cellphone and concentrate on your work, delete the apps that distract you or ask a friend to change your password!

*lure 유혹하다 ***mast 돛대

Ulysses Contract:스스로 유혹을 차단하여 나쁜 선택을 피하기

여러분이 한 번이라도 좋지 못한 선택을 한 적이 있다면, 여러분은 그 습관을 깨는 방법을 배우는 데 관심이 있을지도 모른다. 그렇게 하도록 여러분의 뇌를 속이는 한 가지 좋은 방법은 ‘Ulysses 계약’에 서명하는 것이다. 이러한 인생 조언의 이름은 저항할 수 없는 노래로 희생자들을 죽음으로 유혹한 위험한 여성 부족인 사이렌의 섬을 자신의 배로 항해해 지나갔던 선장 Ulysses에 관한 그리스 신화에서 유래되었다. 그는 그렇게 하지 않으면 저항할 수 없다는 것을 알고 Ulysses는 자신이 배를 사이렌으로 돌리는 것을 막기 위해 자신의 선원들이 그들의 귀를 솜으로 막고 그를 배의 돛대에 묶으라고 지시했다. 그것은 그에게 효과가 있었고 여러분은 여러분의 유혹으로부터 스스로를 차단함으로써 같은 일을 할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 만약 여러분이 휴대폰을 멀리하고 여러분의 일에 집중하고 싶다면, 여러분의 주의를 산만하게 하는 앱들을 삭제하거나 친구에게 여러분의 비밀번호를 바꿔달라고 요청하라!

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Our homes aren't just ecosystems, they're unique ones, hosting species that are adapted to indoor environments and pushing evolution in new directions. Indoor microbes, insects, and rats have all evolved the ability to survive our chemical attacks, developing resistance to antibacterials, insecticides, and poisons. German cockroaches are known to have developed a distaste for glucose, which is commonly used as bait in roach traps. Some indoor insects, which have fewer opportunities to feed than their outdoor counterparts, seem to have developed the ability to survive when food is limited. Dunn and other ecologists have suggested that as the planet becomes more developed and more urban, more species will evolve the traits they need to thrive indoors. Over a long enough time period, indoor living could drive our evolution, too. Perhaps my indoorsy self represents the future of humanity.

*glucose 포도당 **bait 미끼

실내 공간 또한 생물이 진화하는 생태계 환경 중 하나이다

우리의 집은 단순한 생태계가 아니라 독특한 곳이며, 실내 환경에 적응된 종들을 수용하고 새로운 방향으로 진화를 밀어붙인다. 실내 미생물, 곤충, 그리고 쥐들은 모두 항균제, 살충제, 독에 대한 내성을 키우면서 우리의 화학적 공격에서 살아남을 수 있는 능력을 진화시켜왔다. 독일 바퀴벌레는 바퀴벌레 덫에서 미끼로 흔히 사용되는 포도당에 대한 혐오감을 발달시켜 온 것으로 알려져 있다. 야외(에 사는) 상대방에 비해 먹이를 잡아먹을 더 적은 기회를 가지는 일부 실내 곤충은 먹이가 제한적일 때 생존할 수 있는 능력을 발달시켜 온 것으로 보인다. Dunn과 다른 생태학자들은 지구가 점점 더 발전되고 도시화되면서, 더 많은 종들이 실내에서 번성하기 위해 그들이 필요로 하는 특성들을 진화시킬 것이라고 말해 왔다. 충분히 긴 시간에 걸쳐, 실내 생활은 또한 우리의 진화를 이끌 수 있었다. 아마도 실내 생활을 좋아하는 내 모습은 인류의 미래를 대변할 것이다.

35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Developing a personal engagement with poetry brings a number of benefits to you as an individual, in both a personal and a professional capacity. Writing poetry has been shown to have physical and mental benefits, with expressive writing found to improve immune system and lung function, diminish psychological distress, and enhance relationships. Poetry has long been used to aid different mental health needs, develop empathy, and reconsider our relationship with both natural and built environments. Poetry is also an incredibly effective way of actively targeting the cognitive development period, improving your productivity and scientific creativity in the process. In short, poetry has a lot to offer, if you give it the opportunity to do so.

*cognitive 인지적인

시를 쓰는 것은 다방면으로 긍정적인 영향을 준다

시와의 개인적 관계를 발전시키는 것은 개인적인 능력과 전문적인 능력 모두에서 한 개인으로서의 여러분에게 많은 이점을 가져다준다. 표현적 글쓰기가 면역 체계와 폐 기능을 향상시키고, 심리적 고통을 줄이고, 관계를 증진시키는 것으로 밝혀지면서, 시를 쓰는 것은 신체적, 정신적 이점을 지닌 것으로 보여져 왔다. 시는 여러 정신 건강에 필요한 것들을 지원하고, 공감 능력을 개발하고, 자연적 환경과 만들어진 환경 둘 다와의 관계를 재고하기 위해 오랫동안 사용되어 왔다. 시는 또한 인지 발달 시기를 적극적으로 겨냥하는 믿을 수 없을 정도로 효과적인 방법이며, 그 과정에서 여러분의 생산성과 과학적 창의력을 향상시킨다. 간단히 말해서, 만약 여러분이 시에게 그렇게 할 기회를 준다면, 시는 제공할 많은 것을 가지고 있다.



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