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18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

To the State Education Department,

I am writing with regard to the state’s funding for the construction project at Fort Montgomery High School. Our school needs additional spaces to provide a fully functional Art and Library Media Center to serve our students in a more meaningful way. Despite submitting all required documentation for funding to your department in April 2024, we have not yet received any notification from your department. A delay in the process can carry considerable consequences related to the school’s budgetary constraints and schedule. Therefore, in order to proceed with our project, we request you notify us of the review result regarding the submitted documentation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfully, Clara Smith

Principal, Fort Montgomery High School

19. 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

As I waited outside the locker room after a hard-fought basketball game, the coach called out to me, “David, walk with me.” I figured he was going to tell me something important. He was going to select me to be the captain of the team, the leader I had always wanted to be. My heart was racing with anticipation. But when his next words hit my ears, everything changed. “We’re going to have to send you home,” he said coldly. “I don’t think you are going to make it.” I couldn’t believe his decision. I tried to hold it together, but inside I was falling apart. A car would be waiting tomorrow morning to take me home. And just like that, it was over.

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

For many of us, making time for exercise is a continuing challenge. Between work commitments and family obligations, it often feels like there’s no room in our packed schedules for a dedicated workout. But what if the workout came to you, right in the midst of your daily routine? That’s where the beauty of integrating mini-exercises into household chores comes into play. Let’s be realistic; chores are inevitable. Whether it’s washing dishes or taking out the trash, these tasks are an essential part of daily life. But rather than viewing chores as purely obligatory activities, why not seize these moments as opportunities for physical activity? For instance, practice squats or engage in some wall push­ups as you wait for your morning kettle to boil. Incorporating quick exercises into your daily chores can improve your health.

21. 밑줄 친 Seeing is not believing.이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

When we see something, we naturally and automatically break it up into shapes, colors, and concepts that we have learned through education. We recode what we see through the lens of everything we know. We reconstruct memories rather than retrieving the video from memory. This is a useful trait. It’s a more efficient way to store information ━ a bit like an optimal image compression algorithm such as JPG, rather than storing a raw bitmap image file. People who lack this ability and remember everything in perfect detail struggle to generalize, learn, and make connections between what they have learned. But representing the world as abstract ideas and features comes at a cost of seeing the world as it is. Instead, we see the world through our assumptions, motivations, and past experiences. The discovery that our memories are reconstructed through abstract representations rather than played back like a movie completely undermined the legal primacy of eyewitness testimony. Seeing is not believing.

*retrieve:상기하다 **primacy:우위성

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It’s when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like “his face just popped out at me,” that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.

23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Many forms of research lead naturally to quantitative data. A study of happiness might measure the number of times someone smiles during an interaction, and a study of memory might measure the number of items an individual can recall after one, five, and ten minutes. Asking people how many times in a year they are sad will also yield quantitative data, but it might not be reliable. Respondents’ recollections may be inaccurate, and their definitions of ‘sad’ could vary widely. But asking “How many times in the past year were you sad enough to call in sick to work?” prompts a concrete answer. Similarly, instead of asking people to rate how bad a procrastinator they are, ask, “How many of your utility bills are you currently late in paying, even though you can afford to pay them?” Questions that seek concrete responses help make abstract concepts clearer and ensure consistency from one study to the next.

*procrastinator:미루는 사람

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

The evolution of AI is often associated with the concept of singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which AI exceeds human intelligence. After that point, it is predicted that AI will repeatedly improve itself and evolve at an accelerated pace. When AI becomes self-aware and pursues its own goals, it will be a conscious being, not just a machine. AI and human consciousness will then begin to evolve together. Our consciousness will evolve to new dimensions through our interactions with AI, which will provide us with intellectual stimulation and inspire new insights and creativity. Conversely, our consciousness also has a significant impact on the evolution of AI. The direction of AI’s evolution will depend greatly on what values and ethics we incorporate into AI. We need to see our relationship with AI as a mutual coexistence of conscious beings, recognizing its rights and supporting the evolution of its consciousness.

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors are different from linguistic ones in important ways. Linguistic metaphors are passive, in the sense that the audience needs to choose to actively enter the world proposed by metaphor. In the Shakespearean metaphor “time is a beggar,” the audience is unlikely to understand the metaphor without cognitive effort and without further engaging Shakespeare’s prose. Technological metaphors, on the other hand, are active (and often imposing) in the sense that they are realized in digital artifacts that are actively doing things, forcefully changing a user’s meaning horizon. Technological creators cannot generally afford to require their potential audience to wonder how the metaphor works; normally the selling point is that the usefulness of the technology is obvious at first glance. Shakespeare, on the other hand, is beloved in part because the meaning of his works is not immediately obvious and requires some thought on the part of the audience.

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to push ━ essentially how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains.

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The best defence most species of octopus have is to stay hidden as much as possible and do their own hunting at night. So to find one in full view in the shallows in daylight was a surprise for two Australian underwater photographers. Actually, what they saw at first was a flounder. It was only when they looked again that they saw a medium-sized octopus, with all eight of its arms folded and its two eyes staring upwards to create the illusion. An octopus has a big brain, excellent eyesight and the ability to change colour and pattern, and this one was using these assets to turn itself into a completely different creature. Many more of this species have been found since then, and there are now photographs of octopuses that could be said to be transforming into sea snakes. And while they mimic, they hunt ━ producing the spectacle of, say, a flounder suddenly developing an octopodian arm, sticking it down a hole and grabbing whatever’s hiding there.

*flounder:넙치 **mimic:모방하다



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